Friday, April 8, 2016

Feature Spotlight & $15 Gift Card Giveaway ~ SEALED WITH A KISS by Susan Lute

Sealed with a Kiss (Sellwood Novella Series, #3)
by: Susan Lute
Series: Sellwood Novella
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 18, 2016
Publisher: Crazy Hair Publishing

When friends become lovers, is there a chance friendship can turn into something more?
Cyber security consultant, Sloane Cooper is dumped by her wanna-be politician boyfriend, his parting shot—not only are you the worst girlfriend ever, but you're a lousy kisser, too! So she turns to game developer Miles Preston for “kissing lessons”. But Miles doesn't want to be Sloane's rebound guy. How does he convince his best friend steamy kisses are not enough? Traditional wooing won't work. Can a few well chosen gaming obstacles do the trick instead?

“What?” He stopped with his hand on the door knob. His annoyance no longer flashed, but had it faded enough not to come roaring back at the shocking idea that just popped into her head?
“You date a lot, right?”
“I wouldn't say a lot.”
“But the point is, you kiss the girls, so you've had some practice and are probably a good kisser, I'm guessing.” If her sketchy memory was correct, he was a damn fine kisser.
His eyes narrowed.
Sloane kind of questioned her sanity too, but nonetheless blurted out, “I could be a better kisser. A best friend would help me practice, wouldn't he?”
It was amazing really, seeing Miles shove a wall up between them, shutting her out as if they hadn't known each other for the best part of two years. He'd always been so open and transparent. The guy she could ask anything of, share anything with. Now he was looking at her with a stranger's eyes.
Being caught in that stare was almost worse than having Todd dump her. Sloane's stomach knotted.
He yanked the door open. “Think about working on my game. I really need you on this project.”
And then he was gone, leaving nothing behind. Not even his usual warm and cheery smile.

Purchase Sealed with a Kiss from:

The Sellwood Novella Series:
(Clicking on the book covers will take you to Amazon.)

Like all children of military families, Susan spent her childhood moving from one duty station to the next. An ardent student of human nature, she acquired a love for ancient history and myth, a fascination for the ridiculous and unusual, and is the first to admit, she still collects way too much useless information. These days, when not working as a Registered Nurse, she writes whenever she can. When not writing, her favorite things to do are spend time with family, read, watch movies, garden, take black-and-white photos, travel, and remodel her house.

Places to find Susan Lute:

You can follow the Sealed with a Kiss Blog Tour here.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi Kim...had to work the pesky day job :) Thank you so much for hosting Sealed With A Kiss.

  2. I appreciate the excerpt and giveaway, thanks so much

  3. This sounds like a great read!!

    1. Thanks, Melissa. It was definitely fun to write :)

  4. Are Greek or Norse myths your favorite?

    1. Hi Stacy. I cut my eye teeth on Greek myths, but at the moment I'm researching the Asgards of Norse mythology for a possible backdrop for a middle-grade series rattling around in my brain :) If you ever watched Stargate, in that story the Asgards were the ancients. That's intriguing.

  5. Thanks for sharing this giveaway and good luck with your book. It sounds great.

  6. I'm looking forward to checking out the series! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Great post, thanks for the giveaway chance

  8. Hi everyone. I'm sorry, I'm having one of those days. I'm not going to respond to all of you. I know I should. These past two days have been pretty bad for me. But are DEFINITELY a lot worst for other people. But I wanted to thank you all for stopping by.

    1. {{{Kim}}} I hope all is okay. Take care of yourself. Hugs!

    2. Hi Susan. The day job part is understandable. Thanks for stopping by. Honestly, I'm okay. I just need to get out of my own head. But thank you so much for the hug!!!

  9. Kissing lessons, hum! Very interesting!

  10. Have a terrific weekend and thanks for the giveaway

  11. Sunday blessing and thanks for the giveaway

  12. Thank you for taking the time to bring us this great giveaway and the opportunity to win

  13. Thanks so much for the giveaway and giving us the chance to win

  14. Happy Hump Day and thank you for the opportunity to win

  15. Friends to lovers is a great foundation to something lasting. Sounds like a good read!

    1. I definitely have to agree with you, Sue.


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