After their crazy one-night stand, Breck never expected to see the mysterious redhead again. So when he shows up at a Shamrock Falls B&B looking to get away for a few weeks and Rowan answers the door, he’s floored. Breck’s rolling-stone lifestyle and ill-fated history with women means he’s not interested in anything long-term. But the longer he stays at the B&B, the more he considers dropping the poker face and putting all his cards on the table…for Rowan.
I have to be honest, I got this book because first loved the cover and second, I thought the blurb could be good. Then before I started reading the book, I thought, “Oh man, I don’t really want to read this book.” I am SO glad I did. LUCK OF THE DRAW drew me in immediately and had me not wanting to put it down.
Rowan McKinley is from the small town of Shamrock Falls. She’s on the verge of fulfilling her dream of opening up Destiny Knocks, a Bed & Breakfast. She’s in Las Vegas attending a hospitality convention. She’s in her hotel’s bar because she’s lonely since one of her three older brothers doesn’t have time to see her.
In walks Breck Wilder, a professional poker player. Breck has sworn off of women, after getting his heartbroken by his former wife and having a crazy cat stealing ex-girlfriend. But Breck who is charm personified has no problem with a little harmless flirting.
After spending hours chatting it up and laughing, enjoying each other’s company, Rowan decides to call it night. Breck agrees and they decide to go to their own separate rooms, which happen to be on the same floor. Something comes over Rowan and she does something she’s never done before, sleep with an unknown man. Afterwards, Rowan sneaks out while Breck is asleep, never to see him again.
A month later, Breck, who happens to be an old college friend of Jace, one of Rowan’s closest friends shows up on the doorstep of the B&B, looking for a place to relax for a couple of weeks. Both are surprised, to say the least, at seeing each other again. Rowan is so surprised in fact, that she faints.
Insisting she sees a doctor, Breck convinces her to have her friends take her to the hospital for a check up. What happens next, throws Rowan for a loop she isn’t going to recover from anytime soon. I loved this story because you can feel the friendship between Rowan and her friends, Sidney and Kade (LUCKY BREAK) and Jace and Betsy (JUST MY LUCK). They’re all willing to welcome Breck into their circle, like he’s been there the whole time. After spending a month with Breck, Rowan realizes he’s everything she has ever wanted, but she’s afraid to tell him and not be loved enough by Breck in return. Tragedy strikes and misunderstandings mount, forcing Breck to question why he always falls in love with women who do nothing but hurt and deceive him.
Breck is a gambling man. He’s an extremely good poker player because he takes risks. However, in his personal life, he errs on the side of caution, so he doesn’t get hurt. In order to find his true love and happiness, Breck has to realize that when you keep secrets, you can’t get upset with someone else for doing the same thing, no matter what those secrets are.
I’m really looking forward to reading the next book in the series, featuring Jace and Betsy. They were such a cute uncouple in this book.
Rating: 4
Release Date: January 13, 2013
Book Length: 149 pages
Source: Entangled Publishing via NetGalley
Reviewed by: Kim
Reading Format: Available only in eBook
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