Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Review ~ LOVE, TECHNICALLY by Lynne Silver

Billionaire CEO and computer whiz Noah Frellish is a king among geeks. Women are attracted to his money, but he'd love to meet someone who's actually interested in him. When he helps the sweet and sexy Michelle Kolson with a printing problem, she confuses him for a help desk technician. Noah knows he should clear up this case of mistaken identity, but would she still like him if she knew he was the boss?
Michelle thinks life in Chicago is perfect, as is the whirlwind romance with her smoking-hot coworker. When she unexpectedly finds her job on the chopping block and the man she fell headfirst into bed with running the company, will she abandon her dreams?
Noah must convince the small-town girl to stay in the big city—and that he really is the man she fell for.


I loved the premise of this book.  There’s just something really great about truly falling in love with someone for them as a person and not for the size of their bank account.
Michelle Kolson is working late one night during her first week at LiteWave Tech.  She thinks she’s alone on the floor and is having printer problems.  In fact, she even kicks the printer and is surprised to hear the voice of a tall, handsome, geeky looking guy approaching her.  Since he helps her and reminds her that the help desk is always on call, Michelle thinks Sark works for the help desk.
Sark, known to his friends, is really Noah Frellish, the billionaire CEO who actually founded and created LiteWave Tech.  Noah realizes that Michelle doesn’t know who he really is and decides he will tell her the truth the next day.  Well....He kind of sort of does, but she doesn’t realize it.
Love, Technically is a romance for starry eyed romance lovers everywhere.  You get to watch two people fall in love with each other and come to terms with who they are and what they really want out of life.
Noah is just an average guy who even though he has tons of money, doesn’t show it.  Michelle is a small town girl who wants to live in the big city.  She doesn’t have a college degree but she’s a fast learner and a hard worker.  What these two can accomplish together is what friendship and love is all about.
I was hooked from the beginning and I enjoyed the book to the very end.  Noah and Michelle are two characters you will fall in love with.
Rating: 4
Release Date: July 29, 2013
Book Length: 127 pages
Source: Publisher ~ Entangled: Ever After
Reviewed by: Kim
Reading Format: Available only in eBook

Purchase from Amazon

Places to find Lynne Silver:


  1. Sounds like a pretty unconventional hero--which I love! I'll have to add this one to my wish list.

    1. :)

      I loved this guy!!! You need to add it to you reading list, not one day wish list. Plus, the cover doesn't hurt. I can see the guy being Noah.

  2. Mama always said that it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man! LOL. There seems to be a trend towards slightly geeky/nerdy guys as heroes lately. I like it. It must be The Big Bang influence.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Catherine.

      Trust me, my visual of Noah looks SOOOOO much better than the guys on The Big Bang!!!!!

      I'm thinking he looks a lot like the guy on the cover. This was a really good story. Noah is SO freaking sweet it's crazy.

  3. I just saw this one the other day and was thinking, yeah, I really need to give it a read. I love down to earth characters like him that don't let money change them. And completely understand kicking a printer. lol Glad you enjoyed it Kim!

    1. You HAVE to read it... I'm so glad I did... Since Noah doesn't really care about the money, there's some pretty funny moments, when people don't believe him.


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