Friday, December 19, 2014

Review ~ LOVING YOU IS EASY by Wendy S. Marcus

Loving You Is Easy
by: Wendy S. Marcus
Genre: Contemporary Military Romance
Release Date: December 9, 2014
Source: Publisher ~ Loveswept via NetGalley

She’s a survivor of the front lines of politics. He’s a wounded soldier returning home from the battlefield. Can they place their trust in the power of love?
Nobody plays the role of perfect politician’s daughter better than quiet, respectable math teacher Brooke Ellstein. But she won’t be caught swimming with the sharks again, not after the son of a wealthy donor sinks his teeth into her and gets away with it. Still, political connections have their perks, such as heading up the governor’s “Support Our Troops” pen-pal initiative—and getting first dibs on the smoking-hot sergeant whose picture shakes her right down to her goody-two-shoes.
When corresponding with sweet, classy Brooke, Shane Develen instinctively hides his commando tattoos and blue-collar roots—and he can tell that she’s hiding something, too. But Shane knows he’s gained her trust when Brooke gives him a blisteringly sexy photo. Then he’s injured in an ambush and a fellow soldier posts the snapshot online. Overnight, Brooke’s reputation turns to ashes. Even though he’s totally wrong for her, Shane shows up on Brooke’s doorstep, determined to set things right—and discovers that right or wrong has nothing on the chemistry they share.

Prepare to lose yourself in Loving You is Easy.  Wendy S. Marcus is a relatively new author to me.  This story marks the second time I’ve read a book from her. As with the first book, this book had me from page one.

Loving You is Easy is the story of Brooke Ellstein and Shane Develen.  Brooke is a twenty-five-year-old math teacher who happens to be the daughter of potentially the next governor of the state of New York.  Shane is a twenty-six-year-old career Army soldier with blue collar roots from New Jersey.  In a perfect world, these two would never have met.  But the world isn’t perfect.  For the past eight years, Shane has been overseas fighting for his country.

Brooke is overseeing the Support Our Troops pen pal initiative for the state of New York.  The two start to communicate when an error is made adding Shane to the list although he isn’t a resident of the state.  After months of communication, the two become really good friends.  Things for these two are going really well until an ambush and RPG tear both of their lives apart.

I say this a lot, but Loving You is Easy was so much more than I anticipated it would be.  I wasn’t prepared for the the feelings these two gain for each other without spending physical time together.  I wasn’t prepared for the social messages in the book.  And, I was definitely blindsided by some events in the story.

Wendy has written two characters who are each vulnerable and yet very, very strong in their own rights.  The love and support that Brooke and Shane have for each other oozes through the pages.  Wendy has succeeded in writing characters who are real with real issues.  Not only has she managed to write a strong hero and heroine, the secondary characters are just as strong and some just as likeable.

The story leaves room for an additional story to be told on a couple of the secondary characters.  All I can really say is that Loving You is Easy is the perfect title for this book.  Brooke and Shane make it so easy to love each of them and their story.  Loving You is Easy simply put is a captivating story of friendship, love and determination.

**Received a copy from Random House - Loveswept in exchange for an honest unbiased review.**

Rating: 5

Purchase Loving You Is Easy from:

Please be sure to check out my interview with Brooke and Shane here!

Places to find Wendy S. Marcus:

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  1. ACK!!! Did I not thank you for this amazing review back when you wrote it??? What is wrong with me??? Thank you for this AMAZING review Kim!!!!!!

    1. You did thank me. You thanked me under the interview post.

      But you are welcome again! :)


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