Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Stars for EX-TREME MEASURES by Mickey J. Corrigan

Ex-Treme Measures (A Novel of Outsourced Revenge)
by: Mickey J. Corrigan
Genre: Mystery (A Crime Noir Comedy)
Release Date: September 18, 2015
Source: Author

Men: You can't live with them, you can't kill them. Or can you?

Vanna Treme runs Ex-Treme Measures, a domestic investigations agency in downscale Deport Beach, Florida. She spies on cheating spouses while struggling to recover from her own imploded marriage. Vanna's unique PI firm also offers special services designed to get rid of the marital problem. Forever.

Vanna's trusted assistant, a hunky ex-cop, is worried. Ringo thinks their clients are lying to them, local competition is moving in, and everyone in South Florida is crazy or untrustworthy—or both. He's also in love with Vanna. But she refuses to listen. She heads for the superficial glitter of Palm Beach, where the hits just keep on coming her way.

Ex-Treme Measures combines humor, action, and evolutionary biology to investigate some of our culture's most pressing mysteries, including why men act like men, and why the hell women put up with it.

To be honest, I rarely remember the name of an author.  It’s nothing personal, I just make it a point to not have any loyalties.  I’m not a follower and I generally get disappointed when I raise my expectations.  Most readers have their favorites and they read their books without fail.  I would bet that they even give out good reviews mainly because of the author’s previous work even if the current work is sub-par.  I am happy to say that Mickey J. Corrigan has officially earned a follower in me.

Ex-Treme Measures is the third book that I have read by Mickey.  She has created a world where reality is slightly bent.  The heroine, Vanna Treme is crazy, brash, and so utterly masculine that it’s easy to forget that she is a woman.  Vanna is fearless and questions why it’s so difficult to have fidelity in a relationship.  Of course, she speaks from experience and her agency provides a service to women that goes far beyond normal detective work regarding a cheating spouse.  She literally eliminates the problem.  Who would have thought that a female contract killer could be so likeable. Along with her assistant/lover, Ringo, Vanna has made it her personal goal to right the wrongs resulting from cheating, lying, and abusive husbands.  If these women want more than half, Vanna knows exactly how to give it to them.  She is a hopeless romantic and a cold-hearted killer.  That’s clearly an oxymoron but Mickey writes in such a honest and refreshing way that it’s believable.  I just love to hear the truth coming from a female heroine.  She has no problems with killing, casual sex, or sloshing down a cold beer.  She has her own baggage but it doesn’t hold her back.  Vanna is a very strong female and not a damsel in distress.  There’s nothing typical about Ms. Vanna Treme.

I truly enjoyed this Ex-Treme Measures Mickey J. Corrigan is a name that I will not soon forget.  I can’t help but smile when I think about the outrageous cast of characters she put on display.  In the midst of all the marital drama, there’s even a message or two to be learned.  One of which is not to take pain medication before you set out to kill a mark.  I hated that this story ended without resolution so I will patiently wait for the next installment.

**Copy received courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.**

Rating: 5

Purchase Ex-Treme Measures from:

Places to find Mickey J. Corrigan:


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