Friday, August 24, 2018

New Release Spotlight & Giveaway ~ ANOTHER FIVE MINUTES by Destiny Booze

Another Five Minutes
by: Destiny Booze
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: August 24, 2018
Amazon | Goodreads

Loving him is easy.

Fearing him is necessary.

Trusting him could be a deadly mistake.

Born deaf and living with an anxiety disorder, Brooke Hartley manages life in five-minute intervals. It’s all she can do to get out of bed each morning. She’s hidden inside her sister’s apartment for over a year.

Everything changes when Brooke’s sister goes missing. Her fragile world crashes. She is desperate to find her, and she’ll need help.

Haunted by a past he needs to forget, Scott Derrico keeps to himself until his gallery manager, Autumn Hartley, suddenly disappears. He is forced out of his isolation to help a woman that needs him with a terrifying intensity.

Scott tries to deny his attraction to Brooke. He doesn’t want to get emotionally involved but he craves her like nothing else. And, for her, he is a dark and sexy diversion to overcome her fear.

With a genuinely flawed and relatable heroine and a mysterious and protective hero, you won’t want this love story to end. You’ll beg…for another five minutes…

Scott stopped so he could stare at Autumn’s sister. He’d forgotten—again—that she was coming. Maybe if he’d remembered, he would have been more prepared.

Brooke was absolutely beautiful.

Her eyes met his, and he couldn’t look away. Those large, gorgeous eyes held him in place better than steel bars could have. He could stare at those eyes for the rest of the day, or week, or longer.

He suddenly remembered his manners. He’d told Autumn he would make this easier for her. He forced a polite smile, completely aware his behavior was not going unnoticed.

With a pointed stare, Autumn stepped toward him. “What’s wrong? And don’t answer where she can see you. She reads lips.”

He turned sideways, away from Brooke, opened his mouth to respond, and shrugged instead.

“Did you change your mind about her working here?”

“No, of course not.”

“Okay. So why are you looking at her like that?”

Again, he shrugged. What was he supposed to say? Sorry, but I don’t want to have the hots for your sister. You should have told me she was so beautiful.

“Oh,” she said, her eyebrows lifting.

Oh? What the heck did she mean by that?

“You realize I have a picture of my sister on my desk, right? It shouldn’t be a surprise to you that she’s pretty.”

He hadn’t noticed the picture. Obviously. And, she was way more than pretty.

Her look of surprise suddenly changed. “Scott, don’t you dare make a move on my sister. I mean it. That’s the last thing she needs right now.”

“That won’t happen.”

“Good. Now, please turn back around and say hello. I want her to feel welcome.”

Right. He turned back, shoved his hair away from his face, and instantly went right on staring. “Hey. Welcome to the team.”

Was that his voice? It was much softer than normal. He had to snap out of this.

She gave such a small smile that he wondered if he imagined it.

Had she understood what he’d said? Maybe he hadn’t spoken slowly enough?

He looked back to Autumn to make sure she wasn’t still glaring at him. She was. Oh hell. He walked away to his studio. This day was not going to get any easier.

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Destiny Booze is an interesting name, true? Destiny’s mom found her first name in a romance book. Her last name was a gift from the man she loves.

She writes novels with intense conflicts, ongoing suspense, romance, and happy endings. She grew up at a campground where she spent her summers working long hours mowing, cleaning bathrooms, lifeguarding, and leading activities.

Destiny resides in Botetourt County, Virginia where she strives to be the best wife, mother, and writer that she can be. Her family is always priority number one. Other things of great importance to her are friends and her readers!

Places to find Destiny Booze:

You can follow the Another Five Minutes Book Blast tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations!!! Destiny Found!!!!!

  2. Thanks so much for being a part of my book release tour! :)

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by. Your book definitely sounds intriguing.

  3. love the clock on the cover of the book

    1. Thank you! I was very pleased with the way this cover came out. I'm picky with covers too. To be honest, I hated my last one!

  4. Another Five Minutes sounds like an exciting read. Thank you

    1. It was exciting to write! It was a challenge to write in the POV of a deaf character. I had to do my research, and I had a lot of people read behind me to make sure I didn't slip up. I hope I did the story justice!

  5. This sounds like an exciting book

    1. Thank you, Janine! That means a lot. I enjoyed writing this story so much. I truly fell in love with the heroine. Her strength throughout the story inspires me.

  6. What inspired you to persue a career in writing? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com


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