Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ A WIZARD'S CHOICE by Maya Tyler

A Wizard’s Choice (The Magicals, #2)
by: Maya Tyler
Series: The Magicals
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: July 17, 2019
Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing
Amazon | Goodreads

Dreams or duty?

Wizard apprentice Kurtis Warde doesn’t want to become a full-fledged wizard, but he feels obligated to his grandfather who raised him. Making The Choice, whether or not to become a wizard and join The Circle, doesn’t feel like a choice at all. Leaving The Circle would give Kurtis the freedom to follow his own dreams, and to pursue vampiress, Dee, who has always intrigued him. He knows there’s more to Dee than the icy being she portrays, but will she give him a chance to know the real her?

There is unrest in the magical world. Fairies, a magical being thought to be long extinct, still exist. And the long-time feud between wizards and fairies threatens everyone Kurtis cares about, including his life coach, Alina, who has quickly become a close friend. And perhaps more. He discovers his connection to the ancient beings The Annunaki, the ancestors of wizards and fairies, may be key to the future. The more he uncovers, the more questions he has.

Will Kurtis choose to follow his heart or risk sacrificing his own happiness for peace in the magical world?

My Magical World

Present day Chicago is the epicenter for magic and home to many magicals, but the story begins before the dawn of man…

Archaeologists have found remnants of a spacefaring, advanced civilization called the Anunnaki. Folklore suggests they were angels or aliens. (In real life, the Anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians.) In my magical world, the Anunnaki are fallen angels who divided into two opposing factions—wizards and fairies. The fairies enslaved the wizards for centuries. Finally, after many attempts, the wizards rose up against their self-appointed overlords, intending on annihilating every last fairy. The timeline coincides with the Second World War. After the end of the war, a magical council was formed. Wizards were appointed as guardians of the supernatural world.

The characters in this series are an eclectic group of born and created magicals.

Kurtis Warde, the protagonist of A Wizard’s Choice, is a wizard apprentice of the wizard group called The Circle. His grandfather is Waldor. His father is Niall. Thirty years ago, Niall decided not to become a wizard and left The Circle. Kurtis was raised by his grandfather and has never met his father.

While wizards and fairies are born magical, other supernatural beings—like vampires—are created. Vampire Corgan was the protagonist in A Vampire’s Tale. His maker, Dresandra, fascinates Kurtis. In fact, he fancies himself in love with her, or at least in lust.

A Wizard’s Choice also provides some insight into Kurtis’ mother Amelie and his grandmother Helene. He’s never met either, but there’s a good reason why. Amelie brought Kurtis to his grandfather for protection.

Alina, the life coach, is also introduced in A Wizard’s Choice. She helps Kurtis make some important self-discoveries.

Welcome to my magical world.

The Magicals Series:
A Vampire’s Tale, Book #1
A Wizard’s Choice, Book #2

“Waldor.” Emotion—relief and love—flooded Kurtis’ voice. He released the breath he’d unconsciously held, scanning Waldor for obvious injury.

“I’m in one piece, Kurtis.” Waldor pushed past him to unlock the cottage. “You can quit being a fusspot.”

Kurtis chuckled at Waldor’s mock irritation, unfazed by his grandfather’s gruff ways. They didn’t need to exchange words to know how relieved they both were for the other’s safety.

Waldor filled the kettle and, a moment later, the sound of a cheery whistle blasted from the small kitchen. Kurtis joined Waldor at the table. They sat in silence, wrapping their large hands around mugs of steaming tea.

“The kind of potent brew you need after a night like this to settle your thoughts.”

Kurtis grunted in response.

“What’s on your mind, my boy?”

What do I tell Waldor? Conflicted thoughts swirled around in his brain. Am I really that transparent?

Waldor smiled as if he knew all Kurtis’ secrets. “I know you. I raised you from a little baby.”

“I know.” He scowled, guilt gnawing at the lining in his stomach. How can I tell him? How can I break his heart? Like my father.

Waldor took his time to sip his tea as if waiting for Kurtis to open up.

Will I ever have the courage to leave? He cast a mournful eye around the small cottage, the only home he’d ever known. “Where is my father? Do you know?”

Waldor recoiled, looking like he’d been punched in the gut. “I don’t know.”

What do you know? What are you keeping from me? Kurtis paused before asking his next question, torn between his aversion to causing Waldor pain and desire for finding answers. “Do you know…Who is my mother?”

Something akin to fear, shame perhaps, lurked in Waldor’s eyes. He focused his intense gaze on Kurtis. “Yes.”

Purchase A Wizard’s Choice from:

The Magicals Series:

Maya Tyler is a multi-published author of paranormal romance novels and blogger at Maya’s Musings ( An avid reader, Maya writes the books she loves to read—romances! She still believes that “True Love's Kiss” is the most powerful thing in the world. Her paranormal romances come with complex plot twists and happily-ever-afters.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music (alternative rock, especially from the 1990s), practicing yoga, and watching movies and TV. 

Maya loves to hear from fellow authors and readers!

Places to follow Maya Tyler:

You can follow the A Wizard’s Choice Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hello! Thanks so much for sharing your book with us. Always fun reading about another book to enjoy.

  2. How many books have you written so far? Congrats on the release.

    1. Thanks for your question. I’ve written four books. I have a handful of unfinished works-in-progress... The first book I wrote is now a visual novel on the Chapters:Interactive Stories app. My second novel Dream Hunter is currently unavailable for purchase. Then there’s The Magicals Series...

  3. Thank's for sharing. This sounds interesting. I enjoyed the guest post.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed reading about my magical world. I put a lot of thought (and research) into creating a fictional world using mythology.

  4. The book sounds amazing, and I love the cover.

  5. I love the cover. It sounds like a good read.

  6. Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing!

  7. Congrats on the release. I hope that your book is a success,

  8. What was one of your favorite scenes to write in this book?

    1. Hmm... great question. I really enjoyed writing about the secret wizard library my main character Kurtis finds.

  9. Replies
    1. I’m glad you like the cover. Good luck in the giveaway!

  10. Thanks for the opportunity to win! And for sharing your book. I enjoyed the post

    1. Thanks for commenting, Sandy. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Good luck in the giveaway!

  11. Is writing your full-time career? Or would you like it to be?

    1. Writing is a hobby for me. My expenses definitely outweigh my royalties! I'd love to be a full-time writer. I think that's every writer's dream. :)

  12. Sounds like a great read, I like the cover.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Susan. I'm glad you like the cover.

  13. On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

    1. I set aside at least an hour a day for writing and writing activities (like website maintenance and book promotion). If I'm on a roll with a ton of ideas flowing, then I definitely don't stop until I have to. Adulting really gets in the way. lol

  14. Are you on social media and can your readers interact with you?

    1. I am on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. You can find all my dets at and sign up for my newsletter. I also have a blog, Maya's Musings.

  15. When you’re writing an emotionally draining (or sexy, or sad, etc) scene, how do you get in the mood?

    1. I picture the stories I write like a movie in my head. I don't have to get into the mood to write a particular type of emotional scene, but I do need some recovery time after I write one.

  16. Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

    1. Thanks for your question, Sandy. My advice for aspiring writers is simply to write. If you are driven to write, then the rewards will outweigh the emotional drain and stress. Write for yourself. Don't try to fit into a cookie cutter mold.

  17. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?

    1. Thanks for your question, Sandy. After I write an especially emotional scene, I need to give myself time to recover. In my current work-in-progress, I wrote a tense scene between a mother and daughter, and it left me exhausted. I didn't write for two days.

  18. Are you a full-time writer? If not, do the people you work with know you're a writer?

    1. I'm not a full-time writer. I use a pen name and don't tell many people, including co-workers, family and friends, that I write books.

  19. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

    1. I've written four books, three have been published. I have to admit I'm partial to A Wizard's Choice. My writing is maturing. For this story, I dug deeper than I ever had before. Within myself, but also by extracting and incorporating history and mythology into my plot.

  20. Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?

    1. My characters feel a lot like my children so they all hold a special place in my heart. When I'm in the middle of writing, the main character of that particular book sits front and centre. But I love them all.

  21. Where do you get your inspiration?

    1. Thanks for your question, Sandy. Inspiration comes from here, there, and everywhere. Overactive imagination. Crazy dreams (some would say nightmares). Personal experiences. The world around me.


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