Wednesday, August 18, 2021

💻 Review ~ THE VICARIOUS LIFE OF MINA PRICE by Kendra Jones 💻

The Vicarious Life of Mina Price
by: Kendra Jones
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: July 17, 2020
Amazon | Paperback | Goodreads

"My car shimmies a little whenever I turn. It's not bad, not like I'm swerving out of control or anything. The last time I took it in for tires, the guy said it was out of alignment. If I'm gonna be totally honest, it's not the only thing in my life out of alignment."

After her best friend dispenses a much needed dose of tough love, Samina 'Mina' Price is forced to take an honest, hard look at the life she's settled for. Apathetic about work and discontent at home, she's starting to feel suffocated and, well, stuck! But with a major life upheaval still fresh on her mind, she's not at all confident in her ability to make sound decisions about how to get unstuck.

Then she discovers the food writer and television host so renowned that she’s simply known as the domestic goddess!

With days spent working a job she has little interest in, nights preoccupied by watching the Encore Westerns channel with her elderly aunt, and most weekends devoted to escorting said aunt to funerals for people she doesn't know, Mina's favorite escape has become Nigella Lawson. Whether she's mentoring aspiring chefs or whipping up seasonal delights on a holiday special, Mina is captivated by Nigella's exuberance and begins to wonder if channeling that vivacious energy into her own lackluster life might be the key to turning things around.

When two new men unexpectedly enter her life and start vying for her attention, just as a long deferred dream begins to reemerge with promise, will Mina finally resolve to discover her own voice and pursue the life she truly desires? Or will she continue to try and vicariously live out someone else's narrative? Find out in, "The Vicarious Life of Mina Price".

Kendra Jones is the debut author of The Vicarious Life of Mina Price. She is an author with a great voice that people really need to read. Her humor comes through and leaves you glued to the pages, waiting for your next laughing fit. You should definitely not drink or eat anything the first 60 pages or so of this book.

The first 15% of the story contains humor that I’m not sure someone who isn’t from the South or African American will understand. Plus, it helps if you’ve spent a lot of time with someone who is a septuagenarian or octogenarian. I have to say there is nothing like older Southern women.

Mina Price is a 41-year-old plus-sized African American woman. She lives in Central Texas with her 81-year-old great aunt, Jessie Mae. When Mina isn’t working she’s either watching tv with her aunt, watching her favorite food host Nigella Lawson alone in her bedroom, or chauffeuring her aunt and her aunt’s best friend Lula to Saturday funerals of people she doesn’t know.

As the blurb indicated, Mina’s been in a rut. But things start to change when two men come into her life almost at the same time. First up is Will Anderson, Mina’s new co-worker who shares her workspace. Then there’s Tom, a younger guy she meets at an exclusive nightclub. Tom has the moves and body dreams are made of. Will has this untidy Steve Urkel vibe about him. But as they say, looks and things can be deceiving.

The Vicarious Life of Mina Price starts out being hilariously funny but takes a turn into being serious. The story goes from being a romantic comedy to including a little mystery. At times, the story is a little predictable, however, most of it is a complete surprise. I liked, if not loved, the characters. Tom was unexpected. Will owned my heart. The ending had me squealing with glee. I definitely hope Kendra writes and releases more books soon.


“Man, I can’t wait to get old. You have license to say anything.”

“Don’t sit around waiting.”

“The world doesn’t start and stop with what affects me.”

“You’re stronger and wiser than you think.”

“Nobody, not even a domestic goddess, always has it all together.”

“Most of us are just a dropped egg away from a first class trip on the Hot Mess Express.”

“Living a full life meant giving oneself permission to be, and feel, and do without fear of the what ifs.”

“If the major thing in your life is what people who don’t know you think of you, you’re living your life wrong.”

“You gotta believe that you, just the way you are, are worthy.”

“It’s never too late to start building relationships if everybody concerned is willing.”

**Personal Purchase**

Rating: 5

Purchase The Vicarious Life of Mina Price from:

You can read an excerpt from The Vicarious Life of Mina Price here.

Kendra Jones loves Marvel movies, breakfast for dinner, and crisp fall weather. She was born and has lived all of her life in Texas. When she's not writing she enjoys binge-watching her favorite shows on Netflix and spending time with family.

Places to find Kendra Jones:


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