Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Excerpt Spotlight & Giveaway ~ THE RELUCTANT BRIDE by Monica Murphy

The Reluctant Bride
by: Monica Murphy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 19, 2022
Publisher: Dangerous Press
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo | Google Play | Goodreads

Everyone’s for sale, including me. One moment I’m the forgotten daughter of one of the most wealthy families in the country, and the next I’m the blushing bride in an arranged marriage. My fate is sealed in my wedded union with a complete stranger.

In public, Perry Constantine is the life of the party. Easygoing. Adored. In private, he’s brooding. Dark. Angry. But so am I. It’s a contest of wills to see who will break in the bedroom first, and while I try to remain strong, I find myself craving the very man I swore to hate.

My husband.

“I should probably kiss you again. While we’re having an intimate conversation. Just the two of us.”

He raises that single brow.

Ugh. It’s kind of sexy, that move.

“Fine. Just get it over with.” I quickly glance around the room one more time with a smile plastered on my face, but it feels forced so I let it fade.

When I return my attention to him, I see that he’s watching me with a stormy expression on his face.

“Get it over with?” He sounds vaguely insulted. “Was it that much of a hardship, being kissed by me earlier?”

“It wasn’t much of a kiss at all, if I’m being truthful.”


“Yes. Really.”

Without warning he hauls me into his arms, until I’m pressed so tight against him you couldn’t slip a piece of paper between us. His fingers curl beneath my chin, tilting my head back so my lips are perfectly aligned with his.

“Here’s a kiss for you then,” he murmurs.

Just before his lips crash down on mine.

This kiss is nothing like the first one, which only consisted of a little spark. A flash of heat before it was gone.

No, this kiss is all fire and tongue and hunger. His hand slips down, until he’s touching my ass and his fingers tighten around my chin, keeping me in place as he devours my mouth with his. All I can do is cling helplessly to him, my hand finding his chest, his wildly beating heart beneath my palm.

He breaks the kiss, taking a step back, his chest rising and falling. “How was that?”

I can’t find my words. All I can do is nod.

The look on his face is smug.

“That’s what I thought. Shall we talk to more of our guests? Thank them for coming?”

How he can act so smooth and unaffected is mind blowing.

Purchase The Reluctant Bride from:

New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling author. A believer in kissing. A believer of love.

I also write contemporary romance as USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson.

Places to find Monica Murphy:

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