Monday, May 23, 2022

Excerpt Spotlight & Giveaway ~ THE ONE WHO LOVES ME by Joan Embola

The One Who Loves Me (Sovereign Love, #2)
by: Joan Embola
Genre: African American Christian Romance
Release Date: May 21, 2022
Publisher: Love Qualified Press
Amazon | Paperback | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Goodreads


Amara Ikezie is a new grad nurse who is thrilled to start her dream job in Atlanta’s biggest children’s hospital. But when her best friend gets engaged, Amara is faced with the looming pressure from her mom to find her own man. Determined to escape the pressure to marry, Amara takes on a task to find the ‘perfect’ man who ticks all the boxes on her list.

Raymond Aderinto is a pediatric cardiologist with a wall of accolades and a string of failed relationships. After his fourth girlfriend dumps him, Raymond vows to get confirmation from God first before entering into his next relationship—even though he’d love to find his bride before turning thirty.

When Raymond spills coffee on Amara’s scrubs, he becomes certain she’s the woman God wants to be his wife. But unfortunately for him, Raymond doesn’t tick Amara’s boxes, and worst of all, Amara is sure her Igbo mom would never approve of a marriage to a man from the Yoruba tribe.

Despite Amara’s efforts to stay away from Raymond and convince herself he is not the one for her, her growing attraction for his character, values, and vision gives her more reasons to wonder if she was wrong about her prejudices toward him. When another doctor walks into Amara’s life who ticks all her boxes and shows interest in her, she is caught between running into his ‘perfect’ arms, or going with Raymond who is turning out to be more perfect than she thought.

The One Who Loves Me, book two in the Sovereign Love series, is a beautiful standalone novel about surrender and learning to take comfort in the sovereign goodness of a loving God who writes the best love stories.

As I step into the building, the familiar atmosphere of chattering welcomes me. “Good morning.” I nod and smile at a porter pushing a man in a wheelchair.

“Good morning, doctor.” The porter returns my smile and walks past me.

“Good morning.” A voice says from beside me, and my gaze drops to a little girl holding her father’s hand.

“Oh, look who we have here.” I kneel in front of her. “Where are you going today?”

She grins at me and shows me her missing front teeth. “Home.” She points at the exit before looking at her father again.

“Wow. You must be so excited,” I say, and she nods.

“Well, you’ve been a very brave girl and I’m sure your dad here will give you a special treat, right?” I stand up and smile at her father.

The man who looks about my age sends me a weak smile. Judging from the stress lines across his forehead and dark circles underneath his eyes, I know he has made some sacrifices to make sure his little girl is well.

“Everyone is so kind in this hospital,” the man says. “Thank you for all your help. Now say goodbye, Tracy.” He pats his daughter’s head.

“Good bye, doctor.” The little girl waves as her father leads her toward the exit.

I have no idea who that little girl is, but experiences like this always put things into perspective for me. Everything we do in this world matters, even if we don’t always see the impact we’re making.

Excerpted from The One Who Loves Me by Joan Embola, Copyright © 2022 by Joan Embola. Published by Love Qualified Press.

Purchase The One Who Loves Me from:

The Sovereign Love Series:

Joan Embola is a UK-based Cameroonian-Nigerian Christian author who is passionate about spreading God's love one word at a time. She is a Bible teacher, a blogger, a YouTuber, a podcaster, a dancer, and a poetess. Her book Outpourings Of A Beloved Heart; a 30 day poetry devotional about God's love, is available for purchase and her debut contemporary Christian Fiction novel--The One Who knows Me released on September 10th 2021.

Places to find Joan Embola:

You can follow The One Who Loves Me Blog Tour here.

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  1. This book sounds great. The excerpt was sweet.

  2. Nice to meet you Joan! Great excerpt , The One Who Loves Me sounds like a wonderful romance for me to enjoy and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific week!

  3. I like the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this sounds like a wonderful story, a must read for me. Thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details

  4. How do handle writing slumps?

  5. I like everything about this book - genre title and cover!
    Thank you for sharing this.


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