Monday, June 6, 2022

Preview & Giveaway ~ DADDIES AND DAUGHTERS STICK TOGETHER by Aissatou Balde and Diariatou Sow

Daddies and Daughters Stick Together (Daddies and Daughters Stick Together, #1)
by: Aissatou Balde and Diariatou Sow
Series: Daddies and Daughters Stick Together
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Release Date: May 10, 2022
Publisher: Bird Upstairs Books
Hardcover | Barnes & Noble | Target | Walmart | Goodreads

Diari doesn’t mind when Mommy goes into the city for work, because she and her little sister, Fatima, get to spend the whole day with Daddy.

From when the moon trades places with the sun until the sun trades places with the moon, daddies and daughters do everything together.

A day with Daddy means cooking, learning, dancing, and playing. After all, Daddy knows that with a little imagination, a sense of fun, and a lot of love, every part of a normal day can feel special!

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Aissatou Balde is the creative director and editor in chief of, a lifestyle brand sought after by all those looking for an authentic and positive representation of womanhood, motherhood, and family. Aissatou currently lives in Indiana with her husband, Alhassane, and her two daughters, Diari and Fatima. Visit for more information.

It’s no surprise that six-year-old Diariatou Sow would become an author at such an early age. Diari is an avid reader, eager learner, and incredibly creative kid who loves learning new languages. When she is not dancing, drawing, playing with her little sister, or writing with her mom, she is hanging out with her dad, which is her favorite thing to do.

Nandi L. Fernandez is an illustrator, concept artist, and animator. While she grew up in Uganda, Zambia, and Liberia, her love for travel, art, and exploring different African cultures was nurtured. Nandi has worked as a concept artist and has illustrated educational materials and various children’s books. She currently resides in the United Kingdom.

Connect with the authors and series online:

You can follow the Daddies and Daughters Stick Together Book Blast here.

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  1. I love the cover and synopsis, this sounds like a wonderful story and the book would make a perfect gift for my son Josh and his daughters. Thank you for sharing your bio and book details and for offering a giveaway

    1. I love the cover too. I definitely wished this book was around a few years ago.

  2. Sounds like a cute book that my niece would love. Such a cute cover!

  3. This looks like a wonderful book.

  4. Great excerpt and giveaway. :)

  5. Congratulations on your release of Daddies and Daughter's Stick Together, Aissatou and Diariatou! Your book sounds like a great book to share with the kids and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic week!

  6. Looks like a very heartwarming book!


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