Monday, September 12, 2022

Heroine Profile & Giveaway ~ SHY GIRLS CAN'T DATE BILLIONAIRES by Milly Rose

Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires (Shy Girls Sweet Romance, #1)
by: Milly Rose
Series: Shy Girls Sweet Romance
Genre: YA Romance/Romantic Comedy
Release Date: September 5, 2022
Publisher: Halo & Claws Publishing

I never existed until the wrong guy took notice…

I was born shy. And near him, I fall apart. No wonder he can’t stand the sight of me.

After a fire destroys our home, my family is taken in by a billionaire tycoon. His mansion has countless bedrooms, yet my room is next door to his son, Thomas Ashworth III. Yes, he’s as pompous as the name suggests. And, for some reason, he hates my guts.

Even though his arrogance drives me crazy, his chiseled features turn me into a stammering, awkward mess. I hate being stuck with someone I can’t stand. And when he does something unexpectedly kind, it confuses my heart.

When I bump into him in the middle of the night, I’d never guess it lead to us sharing secrets.

He’s impossible to get out of my head. But he wouldn’t consider dating someone like me. Would he?

You will love Christie and Ash. They are stuck together in forced proximity, becoming practically roommates. He is a billionaire, alpha male type who is learning to love. She is the new girl in school, dealing with past trauma. Together they will go from enemies to lovers in an adorable young adult romance.

Image credited to: Book Alive People

Christie Klein

Age: 16

Physical Description: average height, sandy blonde curls, hazel eyes, slim body size

Occupation: Student at Ashworth Academy

3 likes in no particular order:
~ Painting
~ Snacking
~ Reading

3 dislikes in no particular order:
~ Snobby People
~ Not getting all the information
~ Too much eye contact

Drink of choice: Hot Cocoa!

Favorite food: Any kind of snack food. My girl loves to snack!

Favorite song: Anything by Taylor Swift

Choice of transportation: Once she stepped foot in that limo, it takes the cake. Although… There was that time in the helicopter… I guess you’ll have to read Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires to find out about those events!

Favorite way to spend an evening: Curled up on the couch with her parents, watching sappy movies, (oh, and with popcorn, of course!)

Favorite holiday tradition: Wearing matching goofy sweaters with her parents

Best memory to date: That time at the observatory… Again, sorry. You’ll have to read Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires for the scoop on that one!

If you could have a do-over, what would you do differently? Her first meeting with Thomas Ashworth III. They totally hate each other when they first lay eyes on one another. If only things could have started out differently!

What’s something you’ve said you would never do, but in fact have done? Being judgemental towards others. That’s a hard habit to cut.

Most romantic gesture (done or received): Painting an artwork that represents their relationship.

Words to live by: “Could the first brave thing I do be the best thing to ever happen to me.” - Christie Klein, Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires by Milly Rose.

Purchase Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires from:

The Shy Girls Sweet Romance Series:

Shy Girls Can't Date at Christmas releases November 21, 2022

Milly Rose is an animal-loving romance enthusiast with a swoon-inducing book formula. Shy girl + hot guy + first kisses. Her YA sweet romance books will have you falling in love every instalment. Milly Rose is the quintessential shy girl, who you can contact via her mailing list and reply to her monthly email blasts! Milly spends her days vying for her cat’s affection, dreaming up her next book boyfriend, and writing a fun meet-cute under candlelight with a lovely brewed cup of tea.


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Places to find Milly Rose:

You can follow the Shy Girls Don’t Date Billionaires Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Looking forward to reading Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires. Thank you

  2. Thanks for being on the tour! :)

  3. Since I was a band geek (Trumpet, Sax and Drums) I was a bit of a loaner. My friends were also a bit on the shy side.


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