Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Book Spotlight & Giveaway ~ FAMILY PRIDE: BLOOD FEVER by Deborah A. Bailey

Family Pride: Blood Fever (Family Pride, #2)
by: Deborah A. Bailey
Series: Family Pride
Genre: Multicultural Paranormal Romance
Release Date: August 17, 2015
Publisher: Bright Street Books

Book two of the Family Pride Paranormal Romance Series

After claiming Zora Mason as his mate, and fighting off a threat to the MacKinnon pride, Mac is more than ready to get back to managing his coffee bar and settling into mated bliss. But just when it looks like things are quieting down, Mac and Zora find more challenges ahead.

Plans for Zora and Mac’s official introduction to the pride, and the opening of the new coffee bar may be derailed when, gripped by a mysterious blood fever lingering after the leadership challenge, Mac is driven to the edge of his endurance as he fights to keep his inner lion under control.

Juggling her responsibilities in the business and her position as the mate of the pride leader becomes even more challenging when Zora is forced to confront her fear that Mac is changing into someone she doesn’t recognize.

As the fever pushes Mac to the edge, the revelation of an old, painful family secret proves to be the key to saving Mac’s life. Zora and Mac come up with a plan to end the threat of the fever forever, but that same plan may destroy them both.

Is their love strong enough to defeat the blood fever, so they can live happily ever after as mates?

"After Mac fought Eldon it was like he'd gone into some kind of trance. He was in and out of consciousness for a couple of hours."

"I heard about that," Lena put her arm in Zora's and they started walking again. "So many things have happened at once. The challenge, his mating with you, the new shop--it's all coming down at once. Surviving a challenge alone would be enough."

"Lena, I can understand the challenge being stressful, but the mating? It wasn't like it was the first time we'd been intimate."

"There's more involved in the process than it might've seemed. Being at the waterfall where Stephen and Ellen were mated, where I was mated, and generations before me…surrounded by the pride members…it connected you both and made you part of our family," Lena explained. "It's part of a transition that we go through. As a human, you wouldn't have noticed it. But for him, it was a big step away from his life as a nomad."

"But if that's true, what about last night? If we are connected to each other, how could the blood fever make him act that way?"

"Blood fever makes the predator inside him stronger. Those impulses were always there, but my grandson channeled them into his work."

"So, what do I do?" Zora asked.

"Don't show fear. No matter what. Fear feeds the predator inside him. The more fear, the more control the blood fever will have over him. I know he doesn't want to admit this thing could overpower him. But if he tries to fight it, he will lose."

"Lena, do you think he could hurt me?" As she asked the question, a chill went through her, like she'd been dipped in ice water.

"No, my dear. Blood fever will not make him do anything that he wouldn't normally do. Not really," she replied, as she grasped Zora's hand.

Excerpted from Family Pride: Blood Fever by Deborah A. Bailey. Copyright © 2015 by Deborah A. Bailey. Published by arrangement with Bright Street Books.

Purchase Family Pride: Blood Fever from:

The Family Pride Series:

Family Pride: Love and Challenges and Family Pride: Blood Fever will be on sale for 0.99
on Amazon, B&N, Apple & Kobo from 12/26/22 – 1/9/23

Deborah A Bailey's Romantic Fantasy, Paranormal & Science Fiction Romance novels include suspense, a bit of mystery and a lot of romantic heat.

Her short stories have won awards from the Philadelphia Writers' Conference and have been published in US1 Magazine and the Sun and are included in, Electric Dreams: Seven Futuristic Tales. She's the author of non-fiction books, and articles for various online publications.

Places to find Deborah A. Bailey:

You can follow the Family Pride: Blood Fever Book Blast here.

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  1. This book sounds good. The excerpt is intriguing.

    1. Thanks, Janine! Hope you have a chance to check out the book!

  2. I don't read a lot of paranormal romance, but this story sounds good. I like the cover, it's cute and playful.

    1. Thanks, Marcy! The cover designer did a wonderful job.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my book!

  4. Happy to be here. Thanks so much for featuring my book!

  5. Sounds like a great book. I like the cover and excerpt.

  6. I enjoyed reading this excerpt, thank you for sharing

  7. What an interesting plot for this series.

  8. The book sounds wonderful. Love the cover.


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