Tuesday, February 28, 2023

THE BREAKS BETWEEN YOU AND ME by Taiya Collier ~ Blurb Blitz & Giveaway

The Breaks Between You and Me
by: Taiya Collier
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 1, 2023

Somewhere out in the hills of Montana, 17-year-old Harper Cassidy has a home. Really, she does! And so does her sister, Lil. But since all they’ve ever done is skip across the Pacific Northwest from town to town, following her mom’s every desire from Montana to California, it’s been getting harder and harder to feel rooted anywhere.

Until tragedy strikes. And, before she knows it, Harper is... free. Free to go home to Montana and return to a stability she never had. Only, there are several problems standing in her way.

First, she has to create a stable life for her and her seven-year-old sister. Second, she has to do it alone. And third, worst of all, she has to keep her mother’s absence a secret from the people she grew up with: her grandfather, her aunt, and him, the boy.

Andy Madden is Harper’s best friend, and the answer to her aching loneliness, but he is also the threat to containing the secret that her life depends on. A secret that seems just a little too heavy for any one person to keep.

I hesitate. “Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without you.” The words come out in a barely heard whisper. They’re so hard to hear that when your eyes flick toward mine, I recoil away a bit, as if I can pull the words back into my throat and out of your ears. But I can’t, and you only glance up at me and smile. “You really missed me, huh?” And a gentle blush creeps over your cheeks because you know my answers to all the questions you ask me, especially when they’re ones like this.

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At just eighteen years old, Taiya Collier is already making a name for herself as an author. The Austin-native has set her sights on creating age inclusivity within young adult fiction and shattering the notion that writing about teen life can only be done by middle-aged writers who lack true understanding of the experience. She's published four books so far, each filled with riveting storylines sure to enthrall readers from start to finish! By inspiring other teens towards authorship, she hopes to build up a new generation of YA novelists capable of capturing accurate accounts of today’s youth culture. Taiya is currently attending college full time while continuing to write as often as she can. Her recent works explore themes of identity, strength, growth, and resilience in young adulthood—all of which are important aspects of her journey as a writer. In addition to writing her own stories, Taiya is also involved in various literary events and speaking engagements throughout the year. As an advocate for literary inclusion, she uses these opportunities to spread awareness about the importance of diverse representation on all platforms.

Places to find Taiya Collier:

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