Monday, March 13, 2023

Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ HACIENDA MOON by KaSonndra Leigh

Hacienda Moon (The Path Seekers, #1)
by: KaSonndra Leigh
Series: The Path Seekers
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Mystery/Gothic Romance
Release Date: February 19, 2023
Publisher: TriGate Realm Press

Tandie Harrison is a police medium struggling to pick up the pieces of her life after a devastating divorce that left her without her precious daughter and her psychic visions. With a heavy heart, she escapes the hustle and bustle of New York City and moves into the alluring plantation house, Chelby Rose. Here, she meets Eric, the home’s charismatic caretaker. Despite the ghostly warnings, Tandie finds herself drawn to him, and as their affair intensifies, so does the centuries-old curse haunting them both.

Suddenly, Tandie finds herself at the center of a dark and dangerous web full of deceit and intrigue. As fear begins to consume her, she must find the courage to face the demons of her past if she is to have any chance at a future. Hacienda Moon is a captivating story full of suspense and romance that will ensnare you from start to finish.

Note to readers and bookclubs:
This is the expanded and revamped edition of the Hacienda Moon that was originally published in 2012. Please be sure to add this version to your to-read list as this edition contains more gothic suspense, intrigue, and of course romance.

Hi KaSonndra. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you?
Doing well. Thanks for inviting me to your gorgeous blog today.

You’re welcome. Hacienda Moon is your latest book, which is a re-release. Can you please tell me about it?
Hacienda Moon is an expanded edition of the original version #1 Amazon bestselling version published back in 2012. It's a paranormal romantic mystery about the complex relationship between a young shaman and the plantation house she has chosen to settle in after losing her child. Set in the gorgeous coastline of Emerald Isle, NC, Hacienda Moon explores themes of family, loyalty, and the struggles of navigating an extraordinary world full of intrigue and danger.

Tandie Harrison has worked as a police medium, using her psychic visions to help them. I’m curious. How/when did Tandie first get her psychic ability and is this something that she defines herself by?
Tandie first discovered her psychic ability as a young girl in a near-death experience. She is able to sense other people’s thoughts, emotions, and potential futures. Though her ability can be both a blessing and a curse, Tandie does not define herself by it. Instead, she uses it as a tool for growth and understanding in order to make the best decisions for herself and those around her.

After Tandie’s life implodes, she seeks refuge at a house called Chelby Rose. What is so special about this house?
Chelby Rose is a special place because it is a home filled with magic and mystery. It holds many secrets and is the perfect place for Tandie to recuperate after her life implodes. The house also holds comfort and guidance, providing Tandie with the space and refuge she needs to heal and begin to explore her newfound power.

In Hacienda Moon, Tandie meets Eric Fontalvo, the caretaker of Chelby Rose. What is it about him that attracts her to him and vice versa?
Tandie and Eric are initially drawn to each other due to the connection they share—a cosmic understanding that transcends their normal lives. They are both outsiders, seeking refuge from their difficult realities, but together they are stronger. Over time, the mutual understanding and support they find in each other grows into a strong romantic connection.

The story originally came out in 2012. This version has been expanded and revamped. When you went back to this story did you look at your past reviews to see what readers liked and didn’t like about the original story? If so, did you find having reviews to be helpful?
Yes, I did look back at reviews of the original story and found it to be very helpful in understanding what readers loved about it and what areas I could improve upon for the re-release. I used the reviews as a guide for where I should focus on expanding or revamping parts of the story, such as the characters, settings, and plot.

Do you view Hacienda Moon as the start of a series, if so why or why not?
Yes, I do view Hacienda Moon as the start of a series; I feel that the story and deep emotional connections between the characters and themes presented in this novel provide the perfect foundation for further exploration and growth in potential sequels. I look forward to expanding on these ideas and seeing where else these characters can go. Book 2, The Emerald Isle concludes Tandie and Eric’s story. However, I’m currently working on a Saul Chelby story… by popular demand of my readers. Stay tuned!

Can you tell me what was your favorite part of writing this story?
My favorite part of writing this story was watching the characters evolve and grow throughout their journey. It was so rewarding to see their relationships deepen over time and the arcs of their individual stories intertwine and develop. It was a true privilege to be able to craft a story about these characters and share their adventures with readers.

KaSonndra, thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for me.
You are most welcome! I enjoyed hanging out with you at Read Your Writes Book Reviews today and can’t wait to return for the next book!

Eric got the call around midnight. Tandie said Chelby Rose’s plumbing system had failed, and the faucets had gone nuts. She was headed downstairs to fix it but would need his help. She didn’t sound like herself. Her high-pitched voice sounded as though she were someone else.

Adding to the mysterious water problem, which he knew had been fixed weeks ago was Tandie’s distress. She’d somehow gotten locked in the basement while attempting the repair. It took some fancy metal work to break through the lock. Eric strained with all his might, jimmying the ancient contraption until the clasp gave way.

"What the fuck?” Eric studied the situation. Water dripped from the basement ceiling as though someone had turned on a sprinkler system. There was only one problem, though. The plumbing running along the ceiling didn’t have faucets. Right away, Eric knew a greater force was at play.

Tandie stood in an area at the far-right side of the basement. She was wearing a thin light-colored nightgown that had somehow gotten soaked up to the waistline. Eric made his way over her, trudging through ankle deep water. For a moment, her image faded in and out. Eric shook his head, cleared his eyes and made his way over to where she stood. A faraway expression clouded her eyes as though she were looking at him and through him simultaneously.

“She’s down there. In the water. We have to get her out!” she yelled as Eric came closer.

“Tandie—what? Who’s down there?” Eric’s studied the water. There was nothing but cement flooring.

“Eliza! She’s in the water.” Tandie shook her head and frowned. “I saw her. I’m not crazy.”

“Course not.” Eric put his arms around her, and she shoved him away. Eric stumbled back a bit, feeling startled by her strength.

“Look at me, Tandie. Look at me!” he demanded, grasping her head between his palms. She obeyed and focused on his face. That same heated sensation he’d felt the day he visited Abby at the Aeneid, that time when some invisible force had reacted to his anger surged through his body.

Her breathing evened out as she stared into his eyes. “There is nothing down there. It’s all in your mind. Do you understand me?”

Slowly she nodded. And then he kissed her. The passion he released had been held back for too long. He no longer cared about any Broken Heart Curse, and tasting Tandie’s luscious lips gave him all the resolve he needed. Her hands wound through his hair, pulling gently. The kiss lingered and Eric lost himself inside her touch, the taste, and the smell of her. And she gave off an intoxicating scent. With great hesitation, he pulled back and stared in her eyes, losing himself as each second ticked away. “Wow. I could never get tired of doing that, mi mujer bonita.”

Tandie smiled. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“You pulled me back from a nightmare. I felt you. Heard your voice.”

“I’ve no idea,” Eric said. Not a complete lie but not the total truth either.

Purchase Hacienda Moon from:
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The Path Seekers Series:

The Emerald Isle releases July 6, 2023

Meet your word sculptress...

Author of the #1 Amazon International bestselling novels, The Prelude and The Lost Immortals Saga, KaSonndra is also a mother, designer, reader, gardener, home renovator, and a slayer of undead Egyptian mummies in Tomb Raider. She believes in karma, coffee, and seriously wishes that the producers of Xena would bring her favorite show back.

KaSonndra was born in the race-car city of Charlotte, NC, and now lives in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, NC, when she's not hanging out in Bardonia (Lost Immortals Saga setting). Most of her characters are based on people that she has met throughout her travels and adventures.

People tend to stop and start conversations with KaSonndra as if she has known them her entire life. Does this freak her out? Not really. Her mom says that one day she’ll get kidnapped by one of these folks. KaSonndra's response? She told her mom that if it weren’t for these lovely people, then she wouldn’t be able to create such fabulously romantic stories!

Places to find KaSonndra Leigh:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds like it will be an interesting book.

  2. This sounds like an interesting book. I like the cover and excerpt.

  3. I like everything about this book - genre title & cover!
    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  4. Looks like a very interesting book.

  5. Such a beautiful book cover!! Very intriguing and eye-catching!!


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