Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Blurb Blitz & Giveaway ~ THE WARLORD'S STORMY SKYE by Gail Koger

The Warlord’s Stormy Skye (Coletti Warlord, #17)
by: Gail Koger
Series: Coletti Warlord
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance/Romantic Comedy
Release Date: January 16, 2023

My name is Skye McAllister, I’m a psychic witch and a healer. My life is a rollercoaster ride of craziness. My unique electrical powers have a bunch of alien males eyeing me like I’m prime rib at an all-you-can-eat banquet.

If that wasn’t bad enough, a crazy old witch transformed herself into a half-human Kotsor spider and is trying to kill me with hexes, magical bombs, and her zillion hatchlings. Have you ever tried to disarm an enchanted bomb with space Neanderthals trying to claim you as their mate? It’s a good way to die.

To keep me alive, Zarek, the Coletti Overlord, assigned me a partner. Vorian is a badass War Commander who is used to people obeying him immediately. Like that’s going to happen. I will admit he’s sex on two legs, and so damn pretty. But if I let my hormones dictate my actions, we’d be bound for life. Not happening.

Once we rid the galaxy of Mallox and the evil spider lady, I’m ditching his fine ass.

“You have expended a great deal of energy today.” Vorian held out a chocolate bar. “This will help replenish it.”

Before he could change his mind, I snatched the bar out of his hand like a hungry velociraptor.

Vorian’s eyes widened slightly at my ferocity.

What did he expect? I was a chocolate-starved female. I tore off the wrapping and took a bite. Yum. It was the good stuff. “Why are you being nice to me?”

“It is my duty to provide for you.”

“Duty, huh?”

“Yes.” Vorian pulled another candy bar from his hip pocket and ate it slowly.

I guess I should look on the bright side. I had chocolate. I wasn’t dead yet. Jagger was locked up, and my partner looked nothing like Badon. No man boobs, scars, or bristly nose hair. He had classically handsome features and a body to die for. Not that I noticed. Okay, I had seen him naked when the three-eyed creep had kidnapped us, and yowzer. He was centerfold material. He made my panties wet every time I looked at him. Yep, my life was a rollercoaster ride of craziness.

I licked the melted chocolate off the wrapper and noticed Vorian was staring at me intently. “What? Do I have chocolate on my nose?”

“Did Badon violate you?”

I snorted. “As if. I hit him with my limp dick spell.”

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The Coletti Warlord Series:

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Places to find Gail Koger:

You can follow The Warlord’s Stormy Skye Blurb Blitz here.

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