Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Character Interview & Giveaway ~ KIDNAPPED IN THE WOODS by Deena Alexander

Kidnapped in the Woods
by: Deena Alexander
Genre: Christian Romantic Mystery/Suspense
Release Date: June 27, 2023
Publisher: Harlequin ~ Love Inspired Suspense

To solve a kidnapping case
they’ll become the hunted.

Firefighter Pat Ryan is stunned when he hears gunfire and two strangers crash through his door. An anonymous tip led journalist Rachel Davenport to a ramshackle cabin, where she helped an abducted teen escape. With Pat and his K-9 rescue dog’s help, they go on the run with deadly kidnappers in pursuit. But with innocent lives at stake, Rachel and Pat must battle foes and fears to live through the night.

From Love Inspired Courage. Danger. Faith.

Hi Pat and Rachel. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you guys?
Hi! We’re doing well, thank you, and very excited to be here. Thank you so much for having us.

You’re welcome. Your story, Kidnapped in the Woods, has been out for two weeks now. Hopefully, the reception has been good. Let’s start out by you each telling me about yourselves.
I am a firefighter and part of a K9 search and rescue team with my Bernese Mountain Dog partner, Shadow. After I was recently injured while fighting a fire, I’ve been recuperating in my uncle’s cabin in Long Island’s Pine Barrens.

Rachel: I’m a journalist, though my only notable story so far is the one about teenage homelessness on Long Island. And that story must have earned the trust of one such teen because she reached out to me when her friend went missing—which brings me to my current dilemma.

I’m downplaying the story and events a little bit, I will acknowledge that. What gets me and kind of surprises me is you Rachel. An anonymous tip led you to the woods of Eastern Long Island, where you eventually found a kidnapped teenager, Jane. When the tip came in, why didn’t you immediately go to the police with the information?
There were several reasons I didn’t go to the police, but initially, there just wasn’t time. By the time I received the tip, it was almost too late to reach Jane before she disappeared for good, and I couldn’t waste a minute trying to explain to the police that I wasn’t even sure the tip was legitimate. And then there were my trust issues. Someone close to me that I trusted with my life at one point betrayed me and just so happened to be a detective connected to this case. All in all, I thought it best to just check it out myself first. And, well…you know what they say about hindsight.

Pat, you’re a firefighter and used to crazy situations. What was your first reaction when Rachel and Jane came crashing through your front door?
Confusion. I was dozing in front of the fireplace with Shadow, waiting for the coming snowstorm, when chaos ensued. Shadow started barking, then there were gunshots, and then a disoriented teenager tumbled into my arms when I opened the door. As confused as I was, and despite my injuries, my training kicked in almost instantly as I assessed the situation and started searching for solutions.

Were there ever times when you guys thought that you wouldn’t be able to make it to help?
Rachel: So many times. I had no idea how to even find help when I couldn’t trust anyone. Except Pat. Sort of. Eventually.

Pat: I had no doubt we’d be able to make it to help eventually, but I feared it wouldn’t be in time to save Jane.

What skills or circumstances do you guys attribute to being able to get away from the kidnappers who were trying to kill you and survive?
I think the most important thing was keeping a level head. As a journalist, I have to remain calm to report a story. While that takes on a whole new meaning when you’re on the run with bullets flying after you, the concept is still the same. And it helps if you have someone you can trust to have your back.

Pat: Working with a partner you trust, in my case Shadow, is important. Because I work every day with Shadow and the crew at Seaport Fire and Rescue, I was used to having to depend on others for help. I think convincing Rachel of that would be the key to surviving.

Rachel, Pat, thank you for answering some questions for me.

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Publishers Weekly
bestselling author, ​Deena Alexander grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, where she met and married her high school sweetheart. She recently relocated to Florida with her husband, three kids, a son-in-law, and four dogs. Now she enjoys long walks in nature all year long, despite the occasional alligator or snake she sometimes encounters. Deena’s love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night, and she now works full-time as a writer and a freelance editor.

Places to find Deena Alexander:

You can follow the Kidnapped in the Woods Blog Tour here.
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  1. I enjoyed the character interview.

  2. Thank you so much for having me and for sharing the release of Kidnapped in the Woods!

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by. This sounds like a really good story.


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