Thursday, September 7, 2023

Book Review ~ MEET ME IN RIVER'S EDGE by Nan Reinhardt

Meet Me in River’s Edge (The Weaver Sisters, #2)
by: Nan Reinhardt
Series: The Weaver Sisters
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 17, 2023
Publisher: Tule Publishing

He ticks every one of her “never again” boxes…

Jo Weaver loves her job as a boat mechanic for her family’s marina in River’s Edge, Indiana. But when she’s pulled away from her high school reunion with her sisters to fix a stranded yacht, she can’t restrain her irritation. Jo doesn’t like wealthy men who think they can have whatever they want, and she has no intention of falling for rich and charming again.

Born into the international Briggs Hotels empire, Alex Briggs has never felt comfortable with his life of privilege. Abandoning his family’s business to pursue medical research, he’s far more at home in his lab. When the yacht he restored himself breaks down on the way to an important conference, Alex begrudgingly goes in search of a boat mechanic and falls, literally, into Jo Weaver’s arms. The fireworks he feels are impossible to ignore.

Jo does her best to keep Alex in the business zone, but he keeps slipping into something more. Can she trust her fragile heart, especially when Alex and his life-altering research are so far from River’s Edge?

Have you ever wondered why the first time a couple meets is called a “meet-cute”, when the meeting oftentimes isn’t adorable or cute, but potentially embarrassing for one or both parties? No, just me? Okay. Well, Alex Briggs and Jo Weaver definitely have a meet-cute to tell their kids and grandkids one day. The story could go a little like, “Hey Alex, remember the time you tripped and literally landed on top of me, knocking me down when you crashed into my fifteen-year class reunion?”

Meet Me in River’s Edge is the second book in Nan Reinhardt’s Weaver Sisters series. While the series is all about the Weaver triplets finding love, this is a standalone read. Joanna “Jo” Weaver is the second born of the triplets. She’s the only one to not have flown the nest aka River’s Edge. Jo works as a boat mechanic at the family’s marina, Weaver’s Landing. In fact, she lives a stone's throw from her parents and grandparents, which is still close to the marina. Jo isn’t looking for love, but her catnip is the silver fox variety. Alex's family owns the Briggs Hotels and Resorts International chain. But instead of working for the family business or not working at all, Alex is a research scientist at Duke University. He’s very dedicated to his job and has a personal stake in succeeding.

The summer finds Alex and some of his friends traveling via his yacht down to New Orleans as a last fun adventure before they all go their separate ways for careers all over the globe. While traveling down the Ohio River, Alex’s yacht experiences a mechanical problem, which leads him to Jo. Alex is a little shocked to realize that Jo is the mechanic he’s looking for. He’s even more shocked to find himself attracted to her, as she isn’t his type.

Twenty-eight year old Alex may be attractive, but he is nowhere near Jo’s type. In fact, he encompasses everything she despises and then some. Jo refuses to give Alex a chance to prove that he’s nothing like the men she likes to call River Rats. As fate would have it, the parts for Alex’s yacht take days to come in and Alex uses the opportunity to explore River’s Edge and finally convinces Jo to give him a chance.

Meet Me in River’s Edge was one of those stories that immediately captured my heart. Jo and Alex have both experienced traumatic events in their teenage years, resulting in them still carrying the wounds into adulthood. While Alex has money, he doesn’t flaunt it. He’s really down to Earth and is loving and caring despite his childhood and sense of failure. Jo definitely grows and has a transformation throughout the book. Her wanting to be with Alex allows her to leave the past behind and truly heal. I loved these two so much.

This was a magical story all about family. While Jo gets to tell the kids and grandkids about how she and Alex met, Alex gets to tell the story of how he brought Jo and the residents of River’s Edge to their knees with his gesture of love. I don’t think I have ever ended a story crying happy tears before.

Trigger warnings: sickness, death, miscarriage

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“When something is trustworthy and loyal, you don’t give up on it.”

“Isn’t it funny how human beings bring all their baggage from their past right into their present?”

“We’re all dopes sometimes.”

“Forgiveness wasn’t a process, it was a choice.”

**Received a copy from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed it.**

Rating: 4.5

Purchase Meet Me in River’s Edge from:
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The Weaver Sisters Series:

Home to River’s Edge ~ Review

Christmas in River’s Edge releases October 23, 2023

Nan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 49 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake.

Places to find Nan Reinhardt:


  1. Kin, this review made me cry happy tears! Thank you so much. I love how much thought you put into your reviews--it makes them even more special. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Nan. Seriously, the ending was everything.


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