Friday, April 19, 2024

PURSUIT OF INNOCENCE by Bethany Rosa ~ Blog Tour & $25 Gift Card Giveaway

Pursuit of Innocence (Pursuit Series, #1)
by: Bethany Rosa
Series: Pursuit
Genre: Contemporary Billionaire Romance
Release Date: February 28, 2024
Publisher: Gallatin Publishing

“I’m done waiting around. You’re mine. No more games or pining over someone else when it’s me you want. You won’t remember his name after I get through with you.”

Lily knows exactly what she wants in life. To graduate, land a high-paying job, and forge her own way. Nothing will distract her. Until the ultimate playboy, billionaire Sebastian Dubree, barges in. Not to be overlooked, Lily’s longtime crush, Jackson, decides she’s worth the fight.

Reluctant to succumb to either, she quickly becomes a challenge to conquer.

Lily must decide between the familiarity of her childhood longing or the newly discovered passion ignited by the dominant CEO. But can she surrender without losing herself in the process, or will someone take matters into his own hands?

Boundaries blur between desire and resistance in this gripping coming-of-age romance, leaving readers yearning for more.

Would I read my book if I’d never heard of me?

Absolutely! One of the reasons I embarked on this journey is because, as an avid reader of the romance genre, I was getting bored. Time and time again, I found myself putting a book down halfway through or less. I was looking for a particular story and wasn’t finding it. So, of course, what’s the logical thing to do? Write my own.

Two main things were frustrating me. I found the falling in love part of the book and character discovery going too fast in most books. There was no build-up. I also wanted unbridled passion, and having both of those is hard to do. If a book had a slow burn, the passion was dull, and if the passion was spot on, the steamy scenes became monotonous. There are excellent books out there, but I’ve read a lot. The year before I wrote my book, I’d read 250 books, and that was only one year.

So, getting back to the point, I wrote what I was looking for. My book features a dominant alpha male billionaire and a virgin heroine with a backbone. The attraction is instant, but the passion is a slow burn. The best part of my book is that the sexy scenes never get dull, are not repetitive, and keep you interested until the very last one. I like dialogue during the sex scenes, and mine are full of it. There are also no two alike. The characters fight their attraction to each other most of the book, which I like, rather than having no conflict between the two. I’m also a sucker for new experiences, and so that’s what I wrote.

I hit a wall. A solid, warm wall that smells dreadfully sinful. Before I have time to process, two firm hands are on my shoulders to steady me. “Hey, watch where you’re going” comes the deepest, sexiest voice imaginable, which would be incredibly hot if the words spoken were anything other than rude and demanding. Looking up, which is crazy, considering I’m one step higher, I freeze as my eyes land on a dark, handsome god of a man who looks like he wants to commit murder. What is it with me and jerks tonight?

His eyes get bigger, and his brows furrow as soon as my shocked gaze meets his. He has short black hair that’s longer on the top and styled perfectly. His menacing eyebrows are folded downward from scowling at me. The dark scruff that shadows his face is so sexy, trimmed razor straight, accentuating his perfectly chiseled jaw. Mentally slapping myself, I apologize.

“Crap, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He doesn’t release his hold.

“That’s because your head was down. Your eyes should be looking forward.” His voice is hard and demanding.

Flustered and—I reluctantly admit—slightly turned on by his strong, firm grip and penetrating stare, I stand there frozen in place. After what seems like minutes but I’m sure is only seconds, I snap out of it and apologize again. “Sorry, I’ll watch where I’m going from now on.” The words rush out as I pull away to leave, this time keeping my head up. I think I hear him say something else behind me, but I don’t stop. Running into one of the hottest guys I’ve seen in a while should’ve been the highlight of my night. Instead, I’m more irritated. Do all good-looking men have a license to be an ass?

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Bethany Rosa raised four amazing daughters before fulfilling her dream to become a writer. Her goal is to ignite passion in readers through her erotically charged stories. When not immersed in writing, Bethany finds joy in life traveling the world alongside her husband of 25 years. Home is divided between the mountains of Montana and the Arizona sunshine.

Places to find Bethany Rosa:

You can follow the Pursuit of Innocence Blog Tour here.

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  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. This looks really good. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Loved reading the great excerpt!
    Thanks for sharing it.

  4. How do you balance a writing career with other aspects of your life, such as work or family?

  5. Loved the excerpt. Good work!

  6. I enjoyed the guest post. Thank you for the giveaway!

  7. Do you read reviews of your books?

  8. David HollingsworthApril 28, 2024 at 3:42 AM

    Have a good Sunday.

  9. How do you approach developing your characters?

  10. David HollingsworthMay 7, 2024 at 2:48 AM

    What's your favorite book?

  11. David HollingsworthMay 8, 2024 at 2:54 AM

    How many books have you written?

  12. David HollingsworthMay 9, 2024 at 1:39 AM

    How do you relax?

  13. looks like a fun one

  14. The book detail sound great !

  15. David HollingsworthMay 10, 2024 at 2:16 AM

    What is your favorite poem?


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