Friday, June 21, 2024


The Wren in the Holly Library (The Oak & Holly Cycle, #1)
by: K.A. Linde
Series: The Oak & Holly Cycle
Genre: New Adult Urban Fantasy
Release Date: June 4, 2024
Publisher: Red Tower Books

Can you love the dark when you know what it hides?

Some things aren’t supposed to exist outside of our imagination.

Thirteen years ago, monsters emerged from the shadows and plunged Kierse’s world into a cataclysmic war of near-total destruction. The New York City she knew so well collapsed practically overnight.

In the wake of that carnage, the Monster Treaty was created. A truce...of sorts.

But tonight, Kierse―a gifted and fearless thief―will break that treaty. She’ll enter the Holly Library...not knowing it’s the home of a monster.

He’s charming. Quietly alluring. Terrifying. But he knows talent when he sees it; it’s just a matter of finding her price.

Now she’s locked into a dangerous bargain with a creature unlike any other. She’ll sacrifice her freedom. She’ll offer her skills. Together, they’ll put their own futures at risk.

But he’s been playing a game across centuries―and once she joins in, there will be no escape...

K.A. Linde is a new to me author, though I have seen her name around. The Wren in the Holly Library got my attention, mainly for the cover. But the blurb had me hooked. This story was everything I wanted and then some.

Initially, I thought The Wren in the Holly Library was going to be a Beauty and the Beast retelling. It is a little bit. But there’s also an element of Avengers and X-Men if you pay close attention.

I honestly have no words for The Wren in the Holly Library. Or at least not the proper words. K.A. has laid out a truly engaging story of monsters and what it means to be a monster. She has written a heroine (Kierse McKenna) you can't help but cheer for and a morally grey hero (Graves) who steals your heart from his first word. When Kierse breaks into Graves’ brownstone to steal a diamond, she has no idea that he’s a monster. Meaning she just broke the Monster Treaty, which means Graves is well within his rights to kill her. Instead of making a mess of his library with Kierse’s untimely death, he hires her for a job he believes only she can do. While Graves educates and trains her for this job, he forces her to live with him in his house and orders her to stay away from her friends, which she considers family.

There are twists and turns that will have you glued to the pages. I wasn't expecting there to be romance. And I definitely wasn’t expecting it to be so hot. It doesn’t matter who they are or where they come from, Kierse and Graves are perfect for each other. They are in fact the other half of each other.

I love how K.A. has written a story providing breadcrumbs along the way. Every word of The Wren in the Holly Library is important. When all the words and breadcrumbs are put together it’s more than an aha moment. It’s a mind-blowing moment. I found the ending to be a little bittersweet. But there’s hope for the future. I’m just left wondering how all of this is going to play out. I am SO looking forward to the next book.

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“Appearances can be deceiving.”

“No one could hurt you like family.”

“It’s always difficult to speak of those who hurt us most.”

**Received a copy of the book from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed it. Personally purchased two hardcover copies.**

Rating: 5

Purchase The Wren in the Holly Library from:
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K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding Series, Wrights, and more than thirty other novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, traveling to far-off destinations, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, son, and super-adorable puppy.

Places to find K.A. Linde:

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