Friday, June 28, 2024

THE SILVERY PATH: The Underworlds by Dennis Scheel (Guest Post & Giveaway)

The Silvery Path (The Underworlds, #4)
by: Dennis Scheel
Series: The Underworlds
Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
Release Date: June 20, 2024

Will it end in peace or a silvery dose of fate?

Henna’s manipulation knows no bounds,
Denida is still the object of her prophecy, while Lucifer, God, and Gabriel remain in her sights.

Having seen her son, Nina is more determined than ever to bring him back from Henna’s world of dead souls. Meanwhile, the Darkness runs rampant across the Underworlds and on Earth as Lucifer’s grief over Heavani’s death overwhelms him.

Everyone has their own goals and ends, but one thing is inescapable: the bright silvery path that Henna willed.

Can these characters escape destiny’s hold on them, or will they become pawns in Henna’s quest for revenge?

An introduction of the characters in The Silvery Path: The Underworlds

My main character, Denida, is the president of the Underworlds. He sports some magical objects, made from an ancient alloy, that allow him to wield a unique silvery magic. At the start of the series, he has no memories of his past before a civil war in his underworld, but throughout the series, he learns to resolve his amnesia and sets out to defy a prophecy that has defined him since before his human form was born on Earth.

Nina is Denida’s wife. She’s been grieving the loss of their son, Daniel, but something else seems to be at play, swaying her behavior and amplifying her grief and frustration over her loss. Throughout The Silvery Path, her motives become crystal-clear as she comes into her own and fights even harder to bring her son back.

Susan, the Commander, and the Colonel are strongest leaders in Denida’s military forces. The Colonel had an involvement in the civil war, and they have become Denida’s and Nina’s trusted friends and allies.

Den is Denida’s human form on Earth. He’s still a child, but he is gifted with the unique ability to sense events in the Underworlds. He has dreams about Denida’s journeys and life, which have made him tactical and strategic.

Sus is Susan’s human form on Earth. She’s extremely close friends with Den. Her loyalty to him motivates her to assist him in his efforts to fight back against a demon invasion on Earth.

Henna is the goddess. She gave divinity to all the gods and goddesses the universe has ever known and has ruled above them from her own planet before granting them worlds of their own. Fate has put her in charge of maintaining balance throughout the universe, so she can see how fate branches off from everyone’s choices and actions. However, sometimes it really seems like she’s more interested in manipulating the strands of fate than sitting back as a mere observer…

Shaddai is my representation of the Christian God. The Darkness that has flowed through him has left him bitter, spiteful, and paranoid. More importantly, he’s ready to fight to defend his past actions, including a curse he placed on his perfect creation, Heavani.

Azal is my representation of Lucifer. The Darkness chose him as the leader of Hell, but his grief over Heavani has become so all-consuming that the Darkness has left him to wage a war against Heaven on his own. Over the course of The Silvery Path, you will experience him rejecting Denida, but still learn more about their complicated past.

Heavani is Shaddai’s perfect creation, and Lucifer’s love. While not present in The Silvery Path, her prior involvement in the story is integral to the conflict between Shaddai and Azal.

My characters are super excited to meet you, so I hope you enjoy their story, especially this conclusion to the Underworlds saga!

Den, Denida’s human form, trotted from his grandparent’s house with a smile painted across his face. He admired the sunny sky before skipping down the road, humming to himself.

He’s barely grown. Odin clenched his scepter. “We have to do it within one week.” He glared in through a window, then turned to Loki. “I’ll leave the task to you; don’t fail me.”

Loki chuckled. “Why bother? They’re lowly humans.”

“I want to expedite Henna’s prophecy. We have waited in this world long enough. This is your chance to show me that I can rely on you, Loki.”

“But what I still don’t understand is: why? Isn’t that kid Henna’s chosen one?”

Odin adjusted his grip on his scepter. “His soul form is, not the boy, but certain events must fall into place to achieve Henna’s desired outcome, instead of a less desirable one.”

“Understood.” Loki smirked.

“You must use dark magic to kill the boy’s grandmother within one week. I can’t specify how important that is.”

Loki’s eyes widened. “To frame Lucifer?”

Odin sighed. “Aren’t you attentive today.” He leaned closer to Loki. “Correct.”

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The Underworlds Series:

Writing about myself… oh, the horror!

As a Christmas Child, I believe magic is everywhere, especially during the winter, and I try to weave that magic into my stories. After all, my firm belief in karma and destiny has shaped who I am, so it should guide my stories, as well.

I was born and raised in Denmark, but faced many challenges during my life, one of which was my inability to write my stories in Danish! I’ve had my stories brewing in my head since I was a child and struggled for years to express them properly. After recovering from a diabetic attack that left me hospitalized, I managed to find my writer’s voice in English, and am thrilled to now have the ability to share my tales with you.

Places to find Dennis Scheel:

You can follow The Silvery Path Blog Tour here.

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring THE SILVERY PATH and its characters!

  2. I enjoyed the guest post. Sounds really good.

  3. I so enjoyed reading this well done excerpt!
    Thank you for sharing it.

  4. What do you hope readers take away from your books?

    1. It was different from each book. I just want to be able to tell an engrossing tale.
      I, personally believe, I succeeded. (Took longer than I liked though, heh.)

  5. Great cover and this looks like a good read.

  6. Replies
    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  7. I think this book will be very interesting to read.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I enjoyed the excerpt for The Silvery Path. Thank you for the giveaway!

  9. That is usually what happens with time, it refuses to stop moving, so yes, Wednesday. lol

  10. This looks like a fantastic novel. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Have you ever started a book that you decided not to finish?

    1. I have. I spent a lot of time not able to get that far, untll a few years ago.

  12. What inspired you to write this book?

    1. I had these ideas since I was a little kid where I always found the concept of *Hell and Heaven" having perfect creatures, the grandest of evil vs good being an interesting concept to explore.
      This was what inspired the original idea. (was 8 when I first thought of, though.)

  13. Replies
    1. I love all, as each has good sides, but being a winter child, that one still wins.

  14. How do you come up with names for the characters?

    1. Most of the characters were inspired by people I knew.
      But there are some characters as Henna and Denida that came to me over the years.
      Plus, some I found names that fit the character's personality, such as demons.

  15. Did you have any writing education?

    1. Not per se, but I learned a lot from writing and my editor(s) over the years, so much in fact that I went back to the first one I published, and changed a few things, and even got a new editor to oversee the changes.

  16. Does writing energize you or exhaust you?

    1. Energize, especially if I'm at a spot that I like in the story.

  17. This sounds like a great fantasy/science fiction book.


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