Monday, September 9, 2024

Book Review ~ REPEAT AFTER ME by Jessica Warman

Repeat After Me
by: Jessica Warman
Genre: Upper YA Fantasy
Release Date: September 3, 2024
Publisher: Entangled Teen

She’s about to have a serious temporal tantrum.

In retrospect, I probably should have passed on the ceviche.

It was already a weird Friday. My class is stuck on an eerily remote island for our senior trip, I’m pretty sure Mr. D (“call me Max”) is hiding something from us, my ex–best friend turned nemesis keeps stealing my candy, and tonight’s plan for my boyfriend and me to finally lose our virginity to each other is going hellishly.

I mean, ceviche is delicious, don’t get me wrong. But a dish made from a supposedly immortal octopus should really come with a warning label.

Caution: consuming a telepathic sea creature of unknown origin may result in immortality, no consequences to any actions, and getting stuck in a time loop for all of eternity.

Now every morning I wake up, and it’s the same Friday all over again. Same annoying classmates. Same island suspended in time by an evil oyster farmer with a God complex. Same outrageous candy theft. The only person I can count on to keep me from losing my grip on this new reality is Louis, my best friend who knows me better than anyone else in this world.

This should be a cephalopod-induced nightmare but somehow―in some ridiculous way―I feel like I’m experiencing the extraordinary, the gift of endless opportunities to get things right. But when I wake up every morning and it’s Friday again, sometimes it feels more like a never-ending prison sentence.

They say some things are worse than death…

…guess I’m about to find out.

At Entangled Teen, we care about our readers' experience. Please be advised that this title is intended for ages 17+ and may not be suitable for all audiences.

Jessica Warman is a new to me author. The blurb for Repeat After Me had me really intrigued. In retrospect, I should have paid closer attention to the words. My focus was on repeating the same day over and over again. You know like those movies Groundhog Day and 50 First Dates. Somewhere along the way, it hit me that I never saw those movies. Meaning I had no idea what to truly expect.

For starters, Repeat After Me is an upper YA Fantasy. I mean really upper. This story is unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Interpret that statement however you wish. This is a WILD story, told from the viewpoint of multiple characters who either desperately want to fit in, act holier than thou, are vain, or are more shallow than a lagoon.

Repeat After Me mainly focuses on eighteen-year-old Emma Davidson who along with several other students and a chaperone from Xavier Academy are on their senior trip to a remote island where only a supposed billionaire and his daughter reside. There is no wifi or cell service. The nearest hospital is an hour away by boat. This isn’t a trip where they all get to relax and just lay on the beach all day. Nope. There isn’t a five-star hotel in sight. The group will spend their days shucking oysters, cleaning up whatever washes up on the beach, and just being pretty much bored. Their nights will be spent in grimy bungalows with no a/c.

Despite all of that, Emma has big plans with her boyfriend. Before those plans can come to fruition, Emma meets and has a taste of an octopus that changes her life. Now, Emma finds herself repeating the same day over and over again.

Repeat After Me is going to be one of those stories that you either love or hate. I myself finished the book and wondered what I had just read. I do strangely love that Jessica has a crazy imagination and comes up with the most off-the-wall things to have her characters say and do. H2Blow? Seriously?

When I sit back and think about Repeat After Me and toss out all of the CRAZY actions and insane commentary, for me, I was left with something that makes a whole lot of sense. Being a teenager is hard. And there are times that you are so focused on the future, being an adult, finishing highschool, and trying to fit in with the "right" group of people that you lose sight of what this time in life is truly about. You think the most unimportant thing is all that matters, and yeah, it's important, because it's important to you. But is it really important to the you you're going to be in 6 months to a year? Repeat After Me tries to get Emma to see just that.

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“Some things are so special, you can’t put a price on them.”

“Nobody actually knows anybody as well as they think they do.”

“It’s scary to let yourself be vulnerable.”

“Life is full of miracles.”

**Received a copy of the book from the publisher and voluntarily reviewed it.**

Rating: 3

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Jessica Warman’s novels have been published in 13 languages around the world. She lives in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband of 21 years, their two children, and too many pets. This is her sixth book for young adults. When she isn’t writing, Jessica enjoys distance running, traveling, knitting the same scarf she has been knitting for the past three years, and not cooking. Her Christmas tree has been up for 17 consecutive months and counting.

Places to find Jessica Warman:

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