Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Meet Tabby Winslow from TALLOWED GROUND by Valona Jones + Giveaway

Tallowed Ground (Magic Candle Shop Mystery, #3)
By: Valona Jones
Series: Magic Candle Shop Mystery
Genre: Paranormal Cozy Mystery
Release Date: September 10, 2024
Publisher: Muddle House Publishing

When a killer props his third and latest victim against the double tombstone of Tabby and Sage Winslow’s grandparents’ grave in Savannah, Georgia, the psychic twins are stunned. Even worse, the victim is the very man they filed a restraining order against a few months ago for trashing their book and candle shop. Coincidence…or a connection? Then a clue about the murders points to Tabby’s career as a candlemaker. Now, she is the number one suspect in the killing spree.

The twins investigate all three victims, finding little that might tie the cases together besides where the bodies were found—in or near Bonaventure Cemetery, a beautiful 100-acre historic graveyard with a storied past. Then Tabby’s Medical Examiner boyfriend is mysteriously pulled from the case, with his dream job in jeopardy. The situation reaches a flashpoint when new evidence points to Tabby. With her freedom and the family business in jeopardy, Tabby and Sage match their wits and psychic abilities against the wily killer.

That is, until Tabby’s spirited inquiry lands her in the worst kind of trouble. Can Tabby clear her name before the fiend snuffs her flame…for good?

Hi Tabby. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you?
I’d love to say I’m fine, but I’ve become involved in helping more homicides. These cases are never easy, and they often end up with the killer coming after me! Since I have been successful in a few cases before, local law enforcement wants to put me on their payroll. I don’t want that job. What fun would it be to be the hound they called in to sniff out the murderer? I’d rather do it my own way in my own time.

I like that answer. But you have to admit, it would probably be safer for you on the police’s payroll. Please introduce yourself to readers.
I’m a fraternal twin. My sister Sage and I just turned thirty-one. We’re both single, though I’m engaged and Sage has a steady boyfriend. I’m the candle and soap maker for the shop we co-own in Savannah, GA, and I infuse all our products with my good energy. My twin has a green thumb that’s out of this world, and I often add her spices and herbs to the candles I make. Both of us are energetics; that means we can gift our energy to someone who needs it, but we can also take energy if we need it. Our favorite thing to do is to sneak away to the beach at Tybee Island and enjoy the amazing energy there. I’m a very private person and care deeply for the people in my immediate circle.

Can you please tell us about some people we’ll meet in your story?
My black cat Harley and Sage’s Luna are our shop cats who keep an eye on things. Harley always knows when I need a hug, and he purrs in my arms until we’re both content. Dr. Quig Quigsly, my fiancĂ©, is someone I’ve known most of my life, but the romantic attraction happened in the last six months. Detectives Nowry and Belfor are from our Historical District Police Department in Savannah, and they haunt my doorstep when murder happens in our part of town.

Tell me about a defining moment in your life.
I went to college for one semester. I met people and had a roommate. The longer I was there, the more I hated it. Plus, I felt off-kilter all the time. When I returned home to our family’s above-the-shop apartment, my edginess went away. I realized that for my own peace of mind, I needed to spend all my nights on Bristol Street where we lived. I felt like a failure for a few weeks until my twin came home from a trip overseas. She said she’d learned the same lesson. Home isn’t where the heart is. Home is above the candle shop on Bristol Street. Plus, Sage reminded me that we would inherit the family business and we both already had an aptitude for the work. In other words, we had vocations. We didn’t need college, and college wouldn’t miss us.

What’s your most prized possession?
That’s an easy one. Quig gave me a white gold locket within the first two months of us dating. It is absolutely perfect, and I never take it off. When I am upset, I reach for it. I’m always amazed how much it centers and calms me.

Why do you feel the need to put on your sleuthing hat and investigate murders?
I got into it at first because my shop clerk was a person of interest in a customer’s death. I helped prove Gerard didn’t do it. Then the next time something happened, a family member was in the hot seat. I couldn’t stand by and watch innocent people I know and love go to jail for something they didn’t do. Now the cops are wise to my “intuitive” nature. They don’t know about the depth of my paranormal talents that do all the sleuthing and that’s fine with me.

I’m a romance girl. Tell me about your boyfriend.
I’m a romance girl too. My dating life had been uninspired until Quig and I took our friendship to the next level. He’s a few inches taller than my 5’7”, and he’s muscular in all the right places. When I hug him, he feels so solid and huggable. He wears thick rimmed glasses over his incredible brown eyes. I can gaze into those eyes forever and a day. Plus, he smells right, you know? Not too much cologne or after shave to knock me out like some guys have. And the bedroom part is amazing (though off the page because this is a cozy mystery). He’s deeply into pleasing me, and how could I not love that? This is hard for me to admit to anyone, so please don’t mention it to Quig if you see him. I’m certain I’m addicted to him! I think about him all the time, and when we both get home from work, we can’t get enough of each other. We’re engaged, though the idea of putting on a wedding is daunting. Quig says we can handle it. He’s not pressuring me because he already knows I’m his. Oh, and he’s a really good kisser…

What can readers expect from Tallowed Ground?
The mystery in Tallowed Ground is actually several seemingly unrelated homicides near the famous Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, GA. Detectives Nowry and Belfor are stumped, and so are the entire Savannah Police Department and the local FBI agents. They ask for my help, and my intuition tells me that what binds these cases together is that the different means of death. This bad guy’s M.O. is atypical, and it isn’t long before I am hot on his/her trail! I use my paranormal senses to stay a step ahead of the killer and help the cops find physical evidence that will hold up in court. My fiancĂ©, twin, the shop cats, and all the gang at the candle shop lend their support along the way.

Tabby, thank you so much for your time.
Thank you so much for having me here. It is always a delight to visit and connect with old and new friends!

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The Magic Candle Shop Mystery Series:

Valona Jones, aka Maggie Toussaint, writes paranormal cozies set in coastal Georgia, Her latest release, TALLOWED GROUND, book 3 in the A Magic Candle Shop Mysteries, came out September 10, 2024. Under the name of Maggie Toussaint, she also publishes cozy mysteries and romantic suspense. Her pen name for a three-book science fiction ecothriller is Rigel Carson. In total, she has published more than 27 works of fiction and won multiple awards. She lives in coastal Georgia, where time and tide wait for no one.

Places to find Valona Jones:

You can follow the Tallowed Ground Blog Tour here.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting TALLOWED GROUND here on it's Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour. Tabby relayed to me that the questions were so much fun to answer! We enjoyed your hospitality and your lovely site. Thanks again!


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