Monday, May 5, 2014

Tamra Lassiter's SOMETHING TO LOSE Virtual Book Tour (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Everyone has something to lose.
Camden Piotrowski is justifiably upset to find her boyfriend in the arms of another woman. But it’s not the end of her world and definitely not something that a bubble bath, good wine, and cookie dough won’t help. Her pity party is interrupted when handsome Seth Vendetti bursts into her bathroom. She soon discovers that her world and those in it are not as they seem. Can she trust Seth’s version of the truth and make him realize that even he has something to lose?

His hands form fists that rest on his hips. “Are you threatening an FBI agent?”
I hadn’t really thought of it like that, but I’m not backing down. I put my hands on my hips as well and stand on my tippy toes so that my face is close to his. I could use those three-inch heels right about now, but I hold my ground. His body is tight. I see his pulse beating in his neck.
“Call it what you want. Just get out of my house.”
His hands move behind my neck. He pulls me to him and before I even know what’s happening, he’s kissing me and even more surprising, I’m kissing him, too. His strong fingers move up and down my back as his lips work their magic on mine. I thought I’d been kissed before, but never have I been kissed like this. I still don’t see fireworks, instead I am the firework. Heat explodes from my lips down my throat and to the rest of my body. This isn’t the warmth of fairy tales where the prince and princess kiss their happily-ever-after. This is the battle of the dragon and I don’t know what because my brain is no longer working.
His stubble scratches my chin and the sensation kindles the fire even more. My stomach lurches and I feel weightless, light as a feather now, falling from high in the sky. His hands move to my hips and he pulls me to him tightly. He kisses my chin and then my neck and down to the opening of my robe.
It’s like I wake up from some out-of-body experience to find myself full of lust and clinging to a complete stranger. His hand slips into my robe. I startle and jump back, hugging myself with one hand, the other covering my mouth as my eyes go wide in complete disbelief.

Something to Loss is available at Amazon starting May 7th

What was the first book you remember making an indelible impression on you?
I read all the Nancy Drew mysteries when I was a kid. I’ve loved mysteries ever since.
If you could only eat one food the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza, for sure. It has almost all the food groups.
Hey. You’re right.  If you were a shifter, what animal would you like to be?
A dog—at least a dog who lives in our house. What a life!
Ah. The life of a spoiled pet.  What’s your favorite season and why?
Fall. I love the crisp air and the fall activities (pumpkin carving, hay rides, etc.). My husband makes fun of me because he says that fall is when everything dies.
What do you think is the best movie ever made?
It’s a tie between Forrest Gump and Braveheart. They have everything. We watch them with commercials when we see them on television, even though we own both the DVDs.

Tamra Lassiter lives in Northern Virginia with her supportive husband, two lovely daughters, elegant Great Dane and not-so-elegant, but very sweet, English Bulldog. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading and of course, writing.

Places to find Tamra Lassiter:

Tamra will be awarding a $50 Amazon/Barnes & Noble GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.  Be sure to leave your email address with your comment, so you may be contacted if you are chosen the winner.  You can follow Tamra’s Something to Lose Blog Tour here.

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  1. Thanks for hosting me today!

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

  2. They are great movies & I could eat pizza everyday.


    1. Hi Mary. Tamra did pick a couple of classics, didn't she? Seriously, the talk of pizza is going to make me hungry.

  3. Sounds like an interesting and unique story. Enjoyed the excerpt.

  4. I enjoyed learning more about you.


    1. Thanks! Always great to share fun facts about ourselves. What are your favorite movies?

    2. Hi Rita.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Does it drive you crazy when they chop up your favorite movies for TV? I guess it wouldn't be an issue for FORREST GUMP, but it might for BRAVEHEART...


    1. It does bother me when they chop up movies. I usually think it's funny though when they change the words to cover up the curse words. They can be really creative sometimes. :)

    2. But sometimes when they try to change the words, the sentence or scene just losses its meaning. It's not as great.

  6. Thanks for the giveaway.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  7. Thanks so much for hosting me today!

  8. I loved the Nancy Drew books as a kid also! Neat interview! Thanks, kamclauc AT gmail DOT com

    1. I didn't read Nancy Drew as a kid. I tried to get my kid to read one of her books and she couldn't do it. But then again, there wasn't an animal attached to the story.

  9. Playing mad catch up here. Sorry I missed you the day you visited.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Karen.

      Thanks for stopping by!!! It's nice to see you again.

  10. I'd have to agree that pizza is pretty close to the perfect food although when I think about what I truly can't live without the answer is heirloom tomatoes and avocados. Yum!

    ilookfamous at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Elise-Maria.

      Avocados sound so good. It's way too early for me to be talking about food. Shoot. Now I'm hungry.


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