Friday, September 30, 2016

Review ~ THE GHOSTWRITERS by Mickey J. Corrigan

The Ghostwriters
by: Mickey J. Corrigan
Genre: Supernatural Coming of Age Mystery
Release Date: September 2, 2016
Publisher: Wild Rose Press

She's ghostwriting a book for a famous author--a recently deceased one.

A struggling writer living in Manhattan, Jacy McMasters is the first to admit she's a terrific liar and a screw-up. Then the ghost of the famous novelist JD Balinger asks her to "channel" a follow-up to his classic coming of age book, The Watcher in the Sky. Along with her new boyfriend, a bear of a man who has no patience for mind games, the ghost in Jacy's head forces her to confront a lifetime of secrets—dark secrets. Secrets she's been keeping from herself.

The Ghostwriters is the third book that I have read by Mickey J. Corrigan.  And just like all the others, it was both outlandish and intriguing.  It is a tragic story of love and loss but nothing like I expected.  There is nothing about this book that’s predictable, although it is difficult to believe yet I could see it all happening.

The Ghostwriters the story of Jacqueline “Jacy” McMaster and her attempt to write a book that is being told to her by deceased writer J.D. Balinger.  Once you wrap your head around that little tidbit, everything sort of all falls into place.  Jacy is messed up almost beyond repair.  She’s a drunk, promiscuous, and cares nothing about herself.  Writing this book points her down the road to redemption although it doesn’t exactly lead directly to a happy ending.  Mickey J. Corrigan has created a world full of flawed people and those flaws are up close and personal.  No punches were pulled during the writing of this book.  It’s a window into the soul of someone that has experienced a devastating life but continues to try and move on the best that she can.  Jacy makes one bad choice after the other and it’s hard to watch it all unfold.  There’s so much that happens in this book that I can’t give much detail without ruining the bigger picture.  I will say that Mickey’s writing is good and I didn’t expect to be so affected by the psychological twist and turns.

Somewhere out there, other people have walked in Jacy’s shoes and that’s a sobering thought.  She is torn down to the depths but manages to rise again.  When you finish reading The Ghostwriters, you may have to pinch yourself to make sure that you are clear on what’s real in your own mind and hers.

**Copy received courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.**

Rating: 5

Purchase The Ghostwriters from:

Places to find Mickey J. Corrigan:


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