Monday, October 16, 2017

Feature Spotlight & Giveaway ~ A MODEL ENGAGEMENT by Charlotte O'Shay

A Model Engagement (City of Dreams, #2)
by: Charlotte O’Shay
Series: City of Dreams
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 20, 2017
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Lacey Reed jumps at the chance for independence with a career in the big city. But her naivety and ambition blind her to the lure of a blackmailer. With her savings gone, she has nowhere to turn when she literally runs into financier Connor Devlin.

Though dazzled by Lacey, Connor sees the desperation she tries to hide. His gut tells him to help, and he hires her as his fake fiancée. Now Lacey has a job, and Connor has put a bandage on a family crisis.

When the blackmailer ups the ante, Lacey resolves to face him down—no matter what the consequences. Does that mean Lacey will lose the only man who’s ever seen who she truly is?

“They look...happy.” He nodded over to where Vlad and Sabrina were greeting the last of the long line of well-wishers.

“They look like they’re in shock, you mean.” Lacey threw back her last gulp of wine and reached for another.

“Not a fan of the institution?” He raised one straight, dark brow.

His shoulder was propped against the marble column near one of the room’s many lavish food and drink displays. Their position gave them a prime view of the hoopla surrounding the newly married couple. Without the concealing jacket, his truly massive build was more obvious under the perfect fit of his silk vest and custom shirt. He was, no doubt about it, spectacular. Lacey shifted her gaze back to the dance floor again, trying to recall the thread of their conversation.

“Um, it’s on my list, way down on my list, but I have nothing against it,” she said finally.

“Well, there’s a ringing endorsement.”

His low chuckle was a deep, intimate sound. She looked his way, took in the quick, blinding flash of white teeth coupled with the ever-present laughter in his dark eyes. He was mesmerizing and Lacey almost couldn’t look away. But she did. This guy had charisma to spare and she just didn’t want to go there. She couldn’t forget who she was. Who she had become.

She shook her head, seeking to clarify, but he said, “Yeah, I’m with you, who needs to be married? Better to keep your assets separate and just swipe right when the mood hits.”

This guy didn’t look like the kind who had to swipe left or right. Women probably followed him home from the market and the gym and dropped their numbers, if not their panties, in his gym bag. He was that hot. And he knew it.

He was staring at her face again. Lacey absorbed his concentrated focus as it slid from her eyes to center on her mouth. Her lips tingled so much she had to stop herself from touching them, from running her tongue over the gloss she applied moments ago. She basked in the heat of those eyes, felt it right down to her toes. For a moment, as the sole object of his intense gaze, she was buoyant, without a care in world, something she hadn’t felt in—forever. That bubble burst when a jolt of intimate heat struck like lightning between her thighs. Her stomach clenched in rejection of what that sensation demanded.

No, Lacey, you don’t want this. Well, you might want it, but honey, you can’t have it.

Purchase A Model Engagement from:

The City of Dreams Series:

NYC girl Charlotte O'Shay was born into a big family and married into another big family.

The drama! The noise! The inspiration!

Negotiating skills honed at the dinner table led her to a career in the law. After four beautiful children joined the crowded family tree, Charlotte gladly traded her legal career to write about happily ever afters set in and around NYC.

When Charlotte isn't reading or writing steamy contemporaries featuring heroines in crisis and swoony heroes, she's on the hunt for that perfect pair of sunglasses. She loves to hear from readers.

Places to find Charlotte O’Shay:

You can follow the A Model Engagement Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoyed reading the excerpt to get to know your book; congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Hi Lisa. Thanks for stopping by and checking out Model Engagement.

  2. Congrats on your terrific new release and thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi. You're very welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. This book sounds very interesting.

    1. Hi Janine. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you find the book interesting.

  5. I'm happy to be a part of this tour, thank you for sharing!

  6. Happy Monday! Thanks for sharing the great post, I enjoyed reading it :)

  7. Really enjoyed the description of the book. Sounds like a great read.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Dianne. Glad the blurb got your attention.

  8. Really enjoyed the description of the book. Sounds like a great read.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Great cover! Book sounds like a great read.


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