Monday, March 26, 2018

Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ TO CATCH A THIEF by Nan Dixon

To Catch a Thief (Fitzgerald House, #6)
by: Nan Dixon
Series: Fitzgerald House
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 1, 2018
Publisher: Harlequin Superromance
Amazon | Paperback | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play | Goodreads

What would you do for your family?

When Carolina Castillo’s once vivacious mother becomes ill, she gives up her singing dreams and comes home to Savannah. She’d do anything for her Mamá, even work at Fitzgerald House for the family she should have been part of. She’d even steal.

Carolina’s decisions make perfect sense until she comes up against the immovable rock that is gorgeous FBI agent Sage Cornell. The honorable cop sees the world in black-and-white. He would never understand the difficult choices she’s had to make, the secrets she’s been forced to keep close. And he could never love a woman like her. Or could he?

Hi Nan. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you?
I’m wonderful! Spring is finally arriving in Minnesota melting the piles of snow. Thank you for having me here. I really appreciate it.

You are more than welcome. You write for Harlequin under its Superromance imprint. What sets a superromance apart from a regular contemporary romance?
Superromance is the longest category line Harlequin publishes. It allows me to write larger stories with secondary characters and bigger issues. I think they are very close to just being a regular contemporary book.

There are currently six books in your Fitzgerald House series. What can you tell me about the series and are the books standalones?
Fitzgerald House is a B and B set in the historic district of quirky, lush Savannah. The three Fitzgerald sisters are turning their old family mansion into a successful business and while they do, they tumble into love. In opening their doors, arms and hearts they gather new friends and expand their family. Each story is a standalone, but what I see from some reviews is when people discover me through one book, they go back to the beginning and read them all. I’ve even seen people reading them twice which brings tears to my eyes.

To Catch a Thief is the sixth book in the series. What can you tell me about it and its couple?
In TO CATCH A THIEF, I explore the theme of needing to choose between love and honor. Carolina, a lonely, illegitimate singer will do anything to comfort her terminally ill mother, even steal. But stealing is the last straw for Sage, the honor-seeking FBI agent she loves.

There are a number of layers to this dilemma. First, Carolina’s mother has cancer and it has metastasized in her brain. Her filters have disappeared. She asks Carolina to steal things from Fitzgerald House, the B&B. When Carolina hesitates, her mother is so stressed she begins having seizures.

Then there is Carolina’s secret and Sage’s reaction to her concealment and the subsequent exposure. (I won’t say what’s exposed. You’ll need to read the book. 😀)

Finally, when Sage discovers Carolina has stolen from Fitzgerald House he must choose between his love for her and his need to be honorable. Sage believes Carolina’s explanations are just excuses.

But love is powerful. All love. Community love. Family love. And romantic love.

Sounds good. What do you love the most about Carolina and Sage and what you dislike the most about them?
Carolina filters all her actions through her love for her mother. And her mother hates the Fitzgeralds, blaming them for everything that has gone wrong with her life. But Carolina also has integrity. She must figure out how to keep her mother from having seizures without betraying the Fitzgeralds. But her weakness is she lets her mother control too much of her life. Carolina must find the balance between caving in to her mother and recognizing that she is also part of the Fitzgeralds.

Sage filters everything in his life through measuring what would his honorable father do. He is a white knight, even though he’s recovering from an injury. But he is too black and white. He needs to learn that there is honor in all people. And actions that may look dishonorable, are really done from love.

Tough question...If you could spend one day with one of your characters who would it be and what would you guys do?
I would spend it with Sage at his family ranch in Texas. I think I would let him teach me how to ride!

That definitely sounds like it could be fun. Nan, thank you so much for introducing me to To Catch a Thief and your Fitzgerald House series.
Thank you so much for having here!

You’re welcome.

He boosted his butt onto the stool, moaning like he was Gramps after being in the saddle for a day.

Two women worked behind the counter drawing beers. He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.


His eyes blinked open. “Carolina?”

The napkin slipped out of her fingers and floated to the floor.

“You got the job.” Did that make him feel better or worse since she hadn’t called?

“First day.” Her deep blue eyes had that stunned look, like a white-tailed deer caught in a four-wheeler’s lights at dusk.

“How’s your mother?” He schooled his voice, hoping she couldn’t catch his disappointment.

Her shoulders moved up and down with her sigh. His eyes dropped to her chest. Even in the modest polo, he didn’t need much imagination to remember how she’d pressed against him as they’d kissed.

So why in blazes hadn’t she called?

“They can’t get her seizures under control.” Her fingers crushed the second napkin she pulled for him. “She’s still in the hospital.”

He caught her hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks.” She stared into his eyes.

The noise of the room slipped away. He wanted to make the pain in her deep blue eyes disappear, too.

She shook her head. “Um, what can I get you?”

“What’s on tap?”

“First day.” She winced. “Lots of Southbound.”

“I’ll have their seasonal.” He could have one beer and make it last through dinner.

“I’ll get that.” But she stayed right in front of him.

He smiled. Maybe she hadn’t been blowing him off. Warmth flooded through him.

“Sage?” she asked.


“I need my hand back.”

Cripes. He let go and the warmth faded like a leaking balloon. He was an idiot. “Sorry.”

Over her shoulder, she quipped, “I didn’t mind.”

“Like I said, I’m available for dinner or just a shoulder to cry on.” Preferably in bed, but even he wasn’t crass enough to suggest that to her. He wanted to help any way he could. It was the Cornell way.

Purchase To Catch a Thief from:

The Fitzgerald House Series:

Award winning author Nan Dixon spent her formative years as an actress, singer, dancer and competitive golfer. But the need to eat had her studying accounting in college. Unfortunately, being a successful financial executive didn’t feed her passion to perform. When the pharmaceutical company she worked for was purchased, Nan got the chance of a lifetime—the opportunity to pursue a writing career. She’s a five-time Golden Heart® finalist, lives in the Midwest and is active in her local RWA chapter and on the board of a dance company. She has five children, three sons-in-law, two granddaughters, one grandson and one neurotic cat.

Places to find Nan Dixon:

You can follow the To Catch a Thief Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I enjoyed getting to know your book; congrats on the tour, I hope it is a fun one for you, and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the interview, excerpt and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters the ones I know they would enjoy reading and they both love to read. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for following the tour, James. And thanks for letting your sisters know!

    2. Thanks for stopping by James. I LOVE that you recommend books to your sisters!

  3. I loved the interview. I always like learning about new authors!

    1. Glad you loved the interview, Amy. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the chance to win it. I can't do the Pinterest part. it never works for some reason when this host has it. I don't know if it's something in the settings or what. This is the error message I always get (and I don't get it from other tour hosts):
    Something went wrong
    To save an idea you find on Pinterest, use the Save button you find on each Pin

    1. Janine, I have been having the same problem whenever I want to do a pin that originates from a rafflecopter. I don't know if my settings are wrong or what, but here's my work-around: Save a copy of the book cover to your computer (I usually use the one from Amazon because of the size). Then I go to my Pinterest page, select the spot where I want the pin to be, then just go from there to do your pin. I use the URL of the blog that is first asking for the pin in the rafflecopter or you can use the blog sponsor URL. In any event, you can save your pin and get your URL of the pin for the entry requirement. Hope this helps you....and others who are experiencing the same problem.

    2. Thanks for stopping by Janine. I'm sorry about Pinterest not working. Maybe if you go directly to my pages?

    3. Thanks y'all! Nan, your idea worked and it was easy. Karen, I'll keep your's in mind if I need to do it that way. This problem seems to happen every time lately. I think Pinterest changed something because I didn't have this problem until a couple months ago.

  5. Congratulations on the book tour. Thanks for hosting. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  6. Thank you so much for the interview and hosting a stop on the tour!

    1. Nan, thank you for the interview! Thank you also for stopping by and commenting.

  7. Thanks for sharing the great post, I enjoyed reading it!

  8. Hello! I am back to thank you again. Been pretty busy lately and missing many entries but I appreciate the chance at winning.

  9. Shared on G+ to help spread the word, good luck with the book tour! 🦋

  10. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!


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