Friday, May 21, 2021

Excerpt & Giveaway ~ SORCERERS REBORN: EARTH by Richard B.

Sorcerers Reborn: Earth (Sorcerers Reborn, #1)
by: Richard B.
Series: Sorcerers Reborn
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: December 30, 2020
Publisher: Tellwll Talent
Amazon | Paperback | Hardcover | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Bookshop | Indigo Chapters | Smashwords | Goodreads

Sorcerers Reborn is Book One in a series that begins here on Earth and takes you on a new and exciting journey in the world of Sorcerers, Dragons, Elves and more.

Midnight stops. She feels something she hasn’t felt in three thousand years, something that possesses magic. It’s to the east in the mountains. She runs toward the beacon. She stands in front of a sheer stone wall hundreds of feet tall. There is a cave three quarters of the way up where the magic resides. If she tries to reach whatever is up there, it could potentially kill her. She’s come this far, but her journey isn’t over yet.

Midnight was exiled to earth with six Sorcerers by the evil Sorcerer Tay’Ron. She is a creature of magic, created by magic. She holds the gift of Sorcery from six Sorcerers who have passed on, and she is on a mission to find people on earth who are worthy of possessing this power. Her legacy must continue. Time is of the essence.

She possesses the gift of Sorcery. Midnight is a creature derived from magic, a fairy creature created from magic. She is not a Sorcerer. The six other Sorcerers are the six she carries inside of herself.

Both Brian and Louise had a laptop open on the table in front of them, learning about society. What was acceptable according to the dictates of humanity, and what was not? They had been told what they read about the rules were just guidelines. For a man and woman who used to be a bear and a wolf, they were doing quite well. Midnight had given them longevity, so they would be able to last long enough for the grass and trees to grow over the place where those bundles had been buried. She didn’t count on the magic from what they left behind seeping into the earth surrounding the site, and into the ones she chose as her guardians. Two different kinds of magic coming together over hundreds of years turned the pair into what they were today just as it had with the gifts of her long-lost friends.

Brian and Louise were eager to learn. They spoke the English language well and were learning the language of Orighen as well. When it came to their lessons using magic, they were progressing much faster than the others did when they first started. Brian, like Jason, had taken an interest in the great battles from Earth’s past. He especially paid attention to the planning, and strategies, of those in charge of those battles. He studied the way each general moved his troops, how they tried to outthink their opponent. Louise was fascinated with medicine and medical procedures. She spent time with both Marie and Frank, learning everything she could from them.

Jason knew that they would be an essential part of their family at the Sanctuary. He gave them the same attention as he did any of the others. Right now, his mind was on the two from another world. He felt like he should know them better than he did.

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Rick (Richard B.) Ogle was born in 1951 in Northern Ontario. This is his first appearance in the writing world. He worked for forty-five plus years as a journeyman fabricator/welder. In 1978 Rick wrote a short story titled "Storms" that turned into two books. His work always came first, so writing took the back burner. Writing of Sorcerers Reborn began in late 2000, but again work came first, so the book was not revisited until he was force into retirement in 2013.

In 1998 Rick went back to school to learn something that would get him out of his chosen trade as a fabricator/welder. In 1999 he spent six months as an adult literacy tutor and found that was rewarding when he saw the progress each student was making. He currently holds an Adult Instructors Diploma. He completed a six-month course to obtain an A+ computer technicians' certification. He has an AutoCAD certificate in drafting and design. He instructed classes for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access at the North Cariboo Community Skills Center in Quesnel BC.

Rick is self-taught in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) code and built his website in 1998 while he was in school. He named his website "Poems and Short Stories by Richard B". That website is still going today. Home page URL:

Places to find Richard B.:

You can follow the Sorcerers Reborn: Earth Excerpt Tour here.

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