Saturday, December 25, 2021

πŸŽ„ From me to you... πŸŽ„

Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas. 

If you follow the blog, you know how much I love Christmas. I know I'm lucky in that I have a family that I love, with whom I'm able to spend the holidays. I don't mean to be a downer, but some people aren't so lucky. I saw this in one of the Facebook groups I'm a part of. Unfortunately, I can't remember which group was is. If this is you, then my deepest sympathies go out to you.

I love this quote..... "There's a reason we celebrate Christmas at the darkest time of the year. To remind us that hope and light will always arrive." - Alice Jacobson

Here's an opportunity for me to make your holidays a little sweeter. You know, with a book. Good luck.

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