Thursday, January 6, 2022

VK Holt's BOSSED UP BY THE BILLIONAIRE ~ Book Blast and $25 Amazon/BN Gift Card Giveaway

Bossed Up by the Billionaire
by: VK Holt
Series: Taste of Love
Genre: Contemporary Billionaire Romance/Romantic Comedy
Release Date: December 3, 2021
Publisher: Well-Thumbed Publications
Amazon | Goodreads

Bossed Up
//informal// to go after something/someone with determination. To put your entire soul into achieving a desired outcome.

Life had dealt me so many curveballs, Struggle became my middle name.
Wouldn’t it be nice for once not to have to fight for what I want?
Enter: Mr. Perfect Stranger.
He promised me a time to remember.
I can safely vouch he kept his promise. All. Night. Long.
Trouble is, his family bought the company I work for.
And his first order of business was to remind me that I left him...
Without saying goodbye.
But that’s not the worst of it.
He wants to pick up where we left off.
Last time, I barely escaped from falling. Who’s to say that this time, I’ll be the one asking him to stay?

Bossed Up by the Billionaire is a dual POV Contemporary Romance with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a guaranteed HEA.

From the chapter The Snare of a Web

And just like that, I’m in high school all over again. From the time I was born, I’ve been in the 75th height percentile. That means I’m a smidge over average. Royce Grayson towers over me. He was a big man when I met him two years ago, and he’s even bigger now.

He could do some serious damage.

And I sure as hell want him to.

"Royce, give me my phone."

His grin spells trouble. His words even more so. "That’s all I was waiting for, Sin. I wanted to hear my name come out of that damn sexy mouth of yours. I’ve been thinking about it all day." He places the phone in my palm and his slight touch lights a trail of fire up my arm.

I ignore the sensation and glance at my phone. Besides a thin crack on the left-hand side, close to the top, the screen now has a spider web of lines starting in the lower right corner and progressing to the middle in a wide arc.

Terrific. Fine. Whatever.

My annoyance with him and his kind comes out in the harshness of my tone. "Don’t call me 'Sin,'" I say, stuffing my phone in my bag. I’m going to the bar. To hell with this.

Whatever this is.

I loop my bag over my shoulder and take a step forward to brush past him.

He stands in my way. "We need to talk."

I ignore the hope blooming in my chest. It's not right. It's not right.

Purchase Bossed Up by the Billionaire from:

The Manhattan Stories Series:

VK Holt has been creating stories since the age of six. An author of steamy contemporary and fantasy romance, she includes both humor and angst when writing about the strong men and the sassy women who come to love them.

If she isn’t baking, she is reading, writing or walking her Chihuahua. And drinking coffee, too. Can’t forget about that.

Places to find VK Holt:

You can follow the Bossed Up by the Billionaire Book Blast here.


  1. From VK Holt

    Greatly appreciate your site hosting my book! Your readers can pick up a copy for 0.99 until Friday/Saturday for the UK.

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. The excerpt sounds good. I love a good romantic comedy. The cover looks great too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. From VK Holt
      I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Replies
    1. From VK Holt
      Be sure to pick up a copy for 0.99. Today is the last day for the US/Saturday for the UK.

  4. Replies
    1. From VK Holt
      Appreciate your comment. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Wow! I can't wait to see what happens in this book.

    1. From VK Holt
      Please let me know your thoughts after you read it!

  6. From VK Holt
    Thank you Read Your Writes for hosting my book. Good luck to you and your readers in the giveaway!


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