Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Discover 10 Things about Carole P. Roman, author of the YA Fantasy Adventure GRADY WHILL AND THE TEMPLETON CODEX + Giveaway

Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex
by: Carole P. Roman
Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure
Release Date: July 18, 2022
Publisher: Chelshire, Inc.

Templeton Academy- the superhero high school is finally open!

The prestigious academy is recruiting the best of the best to enroll in its student body.

The school is as mysterious as it is exclusive.

Grady Whill thinks there is nothing special about him to make the grade.

However, his best friend, Aarush Patel has been selected and thinks Grady has the right stuff.

Even school bully Elwood Bledsoe is attending.

If Grady is fortunate enough to be picked, his guardian has forbidden him to attend.

Will a family secret prevent Grady from becoming the superhero he was destined to be?

10 things no one knows about me.

1- I could not tell time until I was twenty-eight years old. I found myself in a business that was all about scheduling rides for people. I watched Sesame Street with my son and one day 'got it.' It was a wonderful ah-ha moment.

2- I am the CEO of a global transportation company I founded with my husband close to fifty years ago. I borrowed 1200 dollars from my kid brother. Today we employ over 300 people and operate all over the world.

3- I am an avid speed reader and can read two to three books per day.

4- I can write and talk at the same time. My brother is blind, and we share an office. He will talk to me very often, not realizing that I am writing. I can answer him and continue writing my story at the same time.

5- During the pandemic I kept active by tap dancing. I haven't tap danced for over fifty years. I looked up a tutorial on YouTube and tapped to Bruno Mars to keep fit.

6- During the pandemic, I took over twenty courses on Mediumship. I was mentored by a famous medium and went live on my son's podcast. I now see upwards of ten to twenty clients per week.

7- I hate puzzles and can't fix anything with my hands.

8- I was a social studies teacher when I got out of college over forty years ago. I taught for a hot minute until my husband asked if I would help him with a business.

9- I am allergic to dairy. No pizza for me. 😭

10- I write all genres, children's and adult, fiction and non-fiction.

There Whill Be Blood

A barely cooled lump of lava hardened under my feet. One of my sneakers was stuck between two small rocks in the solidifying mess. I stared at my foot in disbelief. Instinct told me I should be a human torch, my legs nothing more than toasted stumps. I glanced up, my heart beating wildly. We were trapped on the side of the mountain facing our school, separated by a burning sea of molten rocks.

The world around me steamed, the lava staining the sky burnt orange. Trees swallowed by molten rock looked like skeletal hands emerging from a grave that glowed beneath the blackened crust. I saw heat waves shimmering from the earth but felt none of its intensity. I pulled fiercely, feeling my ankle twist. Aarush steadied me as I nearly toppled over. He was shirtless, his back slick with sweat and covered with scrapes. His fingers worked feverishly to free my foot.

Overhead two helicopter-sized pterodactyls circled the craggy summit. The wind from their leathery wings buffeted the two of us. I think the air they circulated stopped the patches of lava from cooking us alive, but what do I know?

“We better get moving, Grady. Leave your sneaker. We are risking getting burned by staying too long in one spot.” The ever-practical Aarush reasoned as he pulled the velcro releasing my foot. I wobbled, then fell to one knee.

“Do you think they’re real?” I hollered to my friend over the noise, pointing upward.

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Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of over fifty children's books. Whether it's pirates, princesses, spies, or discovering the world around us, her books have enchanted educators, parents, and her diverse audience of children of all ages.

Her best-selling book, The Big Book of Silly Jokes for Kids: 800+ Jokes! has reached number one on Amazon in March of 2020 and has remained in the top 200 books since then.

She published Mindfulness for Kids with J. Robin Albertson-Wren.

Carole has co-authored two self-help books. Navigating Indieworld: A Beginners Guide to Self-Publishing and Marketing with Julie A. Gerber, and Marketing Indieworld with both Julie A. Gerber and Angela Hausman.

Roman is the CEO of a global transportation company, as well as a practicing medium.

She also writes adult fiction under the name Brit Lunden and has created an anthology of the mythical town of Bulwark, Georgia with a group of indie authors.

Writing is her passion and one of her favorite pastimes. Roman reinvents herself frequently, and her family calls her the 'mother of reinvention.' She resides on Long Island, near her children and grandchildren.

Places to find Carole P. Roman:

You can follow the Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex Blog Tour here.

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  1. I'm older than the targeted audience for this book, but it still sounds interesting.

  2. I think the cover looks great, and it sounds like a really interesting story. I can't imagine reading 2-3 books a day. I can read fast, that is crazy fast.

  3. My niece would absolutely love this book!

  4. Very interesting discovery about you Carole! Great excerpt as well, Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex sounds just as intriguing and I am sure the kids will find it very entertaining!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!

  5. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading your stories with my grandchildren. If given the chance, would you like to see this series made into a movie or an animated series?

  6. I enjoyed learning about the book.

  7. Great post!! This book sounds like such a fun and exciting read!! Looking forward to checking it out!!


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