Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN by Alex Stevens

Stairway to Heaven (Ballad of Fallen Angels, #2)
by: Alex Stevens
Series: Ballad of Fallen Angels
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: October 4, 2022

Corporal Jack Graven should be dead. Murdered by a vengeful angel at his own father's funeral, Jack is resurrected and returns to life carrying a terrible secret: he is the Archangel Gabriel reincarnated.

Jack's not the only one with secrets. His older brother, Lieutenant Colonel Tyler Graven "Demon of Kyoto", has just inherited his father's fortune and legacy as Lord of War, with no intention of stopping there: Tyler will someday rule the world.

The brothers reunite their elite military unit, “The Four Horsemen,” with Tyler’s longtime flame Colonel Diana Levitas and the mysterious Lance Corporal Jin Xialong. Together they seek to uncover the truth of Jack’s past life and propel Tyler to his impossible destiny.

Thrust into a supernatural war, the Gravens find salvation through the Black Muramasa, a cursed black katana and the only weapon that can destroy immortals. As they uncover more mysteries behind the ancient blade, they come face to face with the Devil himself, but in the most familiar of faces. Their pasts, presents, and futures all linked, the Four Horsemen must end the war once and for all to survive with their souls intact. Failing could mean the end of the world.

A follow up to the explosive first book in the Ballad of Fallen Angels series, “Sympathy for the Devil,” Book 2 is an action-packed, gun-slinging adventure that packs the punch of a military thriller with high-stakes supernatural intrigue.

Do you have any tattoos? Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?
Yes, I have two chest pieces. The first symbol, the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on a cross I got right after Marine Corps boot camp on my left. My next tattoo is your name on my butt… Thought it was hilarious at the time. I then added Chinese characters for Honor, Courage, and Promise (or Commitment) around the EGA tattoo while I lived in Beijing for a bit. I also got the Biohazard symbol on the right side at that time. And later in Las Vegas I added the wording into the Biohazard symbol, Latin words: Mind, body, soul, and faith, hope, and love.

Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
My life has changed in the best ways since meeting my now fiancĂ©e just a little over two years ago and it is very different, but in a good way. I was a bit of a lone traveler before and aside from writing, some might say I lacked purpose and motivation. I now have a traveling partner, along with her children, I go to school full time for my Master’s in Social Work, and I feel like I have a family to call my own.

How long have you been writing?
For years… As long as I can remember. As a child I wrote songs and poetry, and in high school I wrote my first short story. I spent about 6 or more years writing Sympathy for the Devil and published it in 2020.

Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
Even heroes have demons. They make mistakes. And you’ll see Jack, or Gabriel, misperceive a situation in the worst of ways.

“Make no mistake about it,” I continued. “You and your companions are caught in the middle of a war, a war of immortals. You need me just as much as I need you. As my disciples, the only change is your indebtedness to me. I would in essence be your master, and in return I will continue to offer my advice and protection. As it stands, I would say the two of you are quite indebted to me already.”

“What will we gain from this?” Jack asked. “I’ve never even considered the thought of pledging myself in return for information.”

“You gain an identity for yourself, and Tyler perhaps his soul. It will make sense once I’ve finished, this is for certain. You will also gain intimate knowledge regarding the immortals after your lives, but not without the assurance that I have my followers.”

Jack and Tyler faced each other then, seemingly sharing a silent moment of contemplation.

“Better the devil you know, little brother,” Tyler said at last.

“I tried walking away once, and it didn’t end well. He knew my name, a name I haven’t shared with anyone here,” Jack stated, turning in his chair to face Tyler. “I’m still alive, so I’d like the truth.”

“I guess we’re in, then.”

“Two,” I counted, displaying both fingers in the air. “Very well, then, my disciples. I will reveal everything you wish to know and more. The greatest story ever told.”

“Who are you really?” Jack asked.

“I am the fallen one,” I responded. “I am Lucifer.”

Purchase Stairway to Heaven from:
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The Ballad of Fallen Angels Series:

Alex Stevens is a Marine Corps Veteran with two deployments and a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Interdisciplinary Studies program, a unique undergraduate degree that caters to students with various interests of study. He is also an advent traveler and philosophy enthusiast who has spent a lifetime studying religions, with a focus on Non-denominational Christianity. Alex spends most of his time going for walks, spending time with loved ones, and when the juices are flowing, writing. Fantasy fiction is his great escape from the mundane and he likes to create fantastical realities that are blended with non-fictional people, places, and events.

Places to find Alex Stevens:

You can follow the Stairway to Heaven Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book sounds interesting. I also enjoyed the interview.

  2. Sounds like a great fantasy. I like the cover and excerpt.

  3. Happy Book Birthday, Alex! I enjoyed reading the interview, love the cover, great excerpt and your book sounds like a fantastic fantasy for me to read and enjoy! Good luck with your book and the tour!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!

    1. Thank you Stormy, I really appreciate it. What aspect of everything that you mentioned grabbed your attention the most?

  4. Thank you very much for hosting. A question for readers: What do you think will happen in the book based off of this excerpt?

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Good afternoon, I enjoyed reading your interview and I am looking forward to reading your stories. Are you able to read or write when it is noisy or do you need peace and quiet or white noise as I do?


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