Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Author Interview & Giveaway ~ HER UNEXPECTED MATCH by Lacey Baker

Her Unexpected Match (Crescent Matchmaker, #1)
by: Lacey Baker
Series: Crescent Matchmaker
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 21, 2023
Publisher: Entangled ~ Amara

Travel writer Allie Sparks has one goal: to find the story that will save her career. So here she is, visiting her bestie on picturesque Crescent Island—with sun-warmed beaches, the briny smell of the ocean, and rumors of a secret astrologer-matchmaker who guarantees love. Of course, Allie doesn’t believe in any of that stuff. If anything, she’ll prove it’s a total scam.

Ryan Parker believes in love—just not right now. He’s focused on expanding his family’s barbeque business, finding investors, and keeping his too-big Great Dane puppy from jumping on everyone, including his sister’s pretty, whiskey-eyed best friend. Besides, falling for a tourist is definitely not in his astrological forecast.

Allie is doing everything she can to resist the charm of the town and its beauty, not to mention her attraction to Ryan. But there’s a lot more happening on Crescent Island than anyone knows…and when her story goes to print, this tiny, close-knit town might never be the same.

Hi Lacey. Welcome back to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you?
I’m well and thanks so much for having me back again.

Congratulations on the release of Her Unexpected Match, the first book in your Crescent Matchmaker series from Entangled: Amara. Can you tell me about the Crescent Matchmaker series and what readers can expect from it?
Sure, I’m so excited about this series! It’s about an island town and the matchmaker whose daily blog posts are bringing more tourists to their picturesque home. There’s an award-winning barbeque restaurant on the island, and a luxury resort, a huge gift shop that plays Motown music, and a town historian who sells her famous cinnamon rolls wherever she goes.

Sounds fun. What can you tell me about Her Unexpected Match?
Book #1 in this series is a slow burn full of cute romantic times between Allie and Ryan who never expected to fall in love. Allie’s not excited about being on the island because the trip came with the threat of losing her job. If she doesn’t write the correct type of story she’ll be out of work, but how can she write a positive story when because of childhood trauma she’s used to thinking negative? Ryan’s the exact opposite of Allie, an optimist who’s hoping his hard work is about to pay off with the expansion of his family’s barbeque restaurant. The two of them, along with Ryan’s dog Optimus began to build an unbreakable bond and eventually the Crescent Matchmaker has another win in her column.

Tell me how you come up with the names of your characters and how you decide what their careers are going to be.
I have a big baby name book and I highlight the names I’ve already used. I also like to watch the credits after a TV show or movie goes off to see if any names rolling along grab me. The careers usually come when I’m plotting out the story because a lot of times their career will in some way play into the plot.

Her Unexpected Match has a rambunctious character named Optimus. Technically, he’s just a baby but is definitely going to grow into his name. What do you think are some benefits of having character pets in stories?
Optimus is certainly going to grow into his name, but hopefully his antics will calm down as he gets bigger. At least, I’m praying for that for Ryan’s sake. LOL I think having a character a pet shows their commitment to something. So that even while they’re saying they don’t want to be in a committed relationship, they kind of already are with their pet. It also gives them a more playful side in my opinion and someone to talk to who won’t verbally disagree with them—even when they’re wrong. LOL

What was your favorite part of Her Unexpected Match to write and why?
I think it was the HEA. I had to re-write it after the first draft and first round of edits, but I loved the new ending because I felt like Allie had come full circle and that she deserved every bit of love Ryan had to offer her. Allie was also giving Ryan something he'd never hoped to find again. So, they both filled in this gap they hadn’t even realized was in their lives.

If you had to sum up Allie, Ryan, their relationship, and Her Unexpected Match in one short paragraph what would it be?
Finding and trusting your heart.

I love that. Lacey, thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for me.
Thank you so much for inviting me to chat!

Purchase Her Unexpected Match from:

Lacey Baker, a Maryland native, lives with her husband, three children, two grandchildren and English Bulldog in what most would call Suburban America–a townhouse development where everybody knows each other and each other’s kids. Family cook-outs, reunion vacations, and growing up in church have all inspired Lacey to work towards her dreams and to write about the endurance of family and the quest to find everlasting love. To date she has written in several genres including small town romance, YA paranormal (as Artist Arthur), a cozy mystery series titled Rumors and adult paranormal (as A.C. Arthur).

Places to find Lacey Baker:

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  1. The cover is really pretty. Sounds like a great story.

  2. The cover is beautiful. I want to read this book. I love everything I have read here.

  3. This sounds like a great contemporary romance read. I like the cover.

  4. Sounds like a great story, and I love the pretty cover.

  5. beautiful cover! sounds like a lovely book.


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