Monday, July 3, 2023

Book Review ~ THE FIREMAN'S CHRISTMAS WISH by Nan Reinhardt

The Fireman’s Christmas Wish (The Lange Brothers, #3)
by: Nan Reinhardt
Series: The Lange Brothers
Genre: Contemporary Christmas Romance
Release Date: October 18, 2022
Publisher: Tule Publishing

Her heart is wide open, but he’s nailed his shut.

Preschool teacher Harley Cole has always viewed life through rose-colored glasses. With a career she loves, friends she enjoys, and a home that is her haven, there’s only one thing missing—finding her soul mate. As the holidays approach, Harley is inspired to help her former high school crush rediscover his holiday joy. It’s just a good deed…until the feelings she thought were gone come rushing back.

Fire Chief Becker Lange returns home to River’s Edge with a heavy heart. His divorce has emotionally ravaged him, leaving him more confused than ever about what women want. So to protect himself from another failure, he closes his heart. And then Harley Cole makes him a flirty dare that she can help him overcome the holiday blues. Beck’s not sure he wants to, but Harley’s a hard woman to tell no.

Can the magic of Christmas and a sweet stray kitten bring these two lonely souls together?

Nan Reinhardt is a relatively new author to me. The Fireman's Christmas Wish marks only the third time I have read her writing. The story is also the third book in her Lange Brothers series but is a standalone read. However, couples and events from the previous books and characters from her Four Irish Brothers Winery series are mentioned.

In The Valentine Wager, the first book in the series, readers were introduced to Becker "Beck" Lange. Honestly, from the moment he appeared on the page, I knew I was going to love him and that I had to read his story. I am happy to say I was right about him.

Beck is the oldest of the three Lange brothers. Two years ago, he returned to River’s Edge after his divorce and is now fire chief of the small town’s fire department. Beck is a man weighed down by his past and is simply in survival mode. Harley Cole is an only child. She loves her hometown and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. For the last ten years, she has worked as a preschool teacher.

Harley previously dated Beck’s younger brother Ryker in high school and has always been close to the family. Since he’s moved back, Beck and Harley have become closer friends. They find it easy to talk to each other and just hang out. They both love their families and friends and community means a lot to them. But in a lot of ways they are polar opposites. Harley is outgoing, loves being in a crowd, and sees the bright side of things. She’s like a ray of sunshine. Beck is grumpy, often brooding, generally prefers his alone time, and is pretty pessimistic.

With Christmas approaching and all the amazing holiday events River’s Edge has to offer, Harley has the bright idea to make sure Beck gets into the Christmas spirit. Let the Becker Lange Holiday Project begin. Beck and Harley start to hang out more and everyone starts taking notice. Beck himself realizes that he's even having fun. As things are going smoothly for these two, who haven't labeled what's going on between them, family issues arise and you see exactly what each is and isn’t made of.

Beck is a cinnamon roll hero and is truly one of my favorite heroes. He doesn’t give himself enough credit or think he’s good enough. But he so is. Harley is really perfect for him. They are each other's perfect match. I’m not a reader who generally re-reads books, but The Fireman’s Christmas Wish is a book I will definitely re-read again and again.

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“I can’t be anything other than what I am.”

“Happiness is a choice.”

“You can’t make love happen.”

“Sometimes–most of the time, really–love is just everyday things.”

**Received a copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.**

Rating: 5

Purchase The Fireman’s Christmas Wish from:
(Affiliate Links Used)

You can read Beck's hero profile here.

The Lange Brothers Series:

The Valentine Wager ~ Review

Nan Reinhardt is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet, small-town romantic fiction for Tule Publishing. Her day job is working as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, however, writing is Nan’s first and most enduring passion. She can’t remember a time in her life when she wasn’t writing—she wrote her first romance novel at the age of ten and is still writing, but now from the viewpoint of a wiser, slightly rumpled, woman in her prime. Nan lives in the Midwest with her husband of 49 years, where they split their time between a house in the city and a cottage on a lake.

Places to find Nan Reinhardt:


  1. Thank you so much, Kim! I'm very glad you loved Beck and Harley...gotta confess, Beck is one my favorite heroes, too! Hugs!

    1. You're welcome. Beck is definitely someone special.


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