Monday, May 13, 2024

Meet Nic Earp from Joyce Procell and Brenda Whiteside's Chocolate Martini Sisters ~ Excerpt & Giveaway

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (Chocolate Martini Sisters, #3)
by: Joyce Procell and Brenda Whiteside
Series: Chocolate Martini Sisters
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release Date: April 30, 2024

It’s a rib cookoff…with a recipe for murder.

Nicole Earp and Emma Banefield are celebrating another birthday at the Dulce Inn with the added fun of a rib cookoff in the park. Not only are chocolate martinis in their plans, Nic has her heart set on winning the cornbread contest. But as the excitement bakes, someone is stirring up trouble for the inn and its employees.

Strange occurrences at the Dulce are on the rise. Slashed tires, menacing phone calls, and unsavory characters add a vibe that threatens the sisters’ anticipated fun-filled stay. When the hot-headed hotel owner is caught wielding a bloody letter opener over a dead coworker, the sisters are embroiled in a caper to help the one person who finds their sleuthing as welcomed as a rattlesnake in her bed. But is she innocent?

The Chocolate Martini Sisters are primed to find out. First, they’ll have to eliminate a host of suspects that includes a dishonest restaurant owner, a jilted girlfriend, an ex-wife, the barkeeper, and a masseuse with a crush. If they can stay off the radar of the surly chief homicide detective long enough, they can put out the fire…unless the killer burns them first.

The third book in this amateur sleuths, cozy mystery series will have you chuckling and on the edge of your seat as the sisters solve the murder.

Hi Nic. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. Hopefully, your sister Emma isn’t too upset that I’m interviewing you, instead of her. I literally flipped a coin to see who I would interview.

Please introduce yourself to readers.

Hi! Em will be fine. She’s less likely to follow the spotlight, anyway. I’m the younger sister, forty-six. Em’s birthday is any day now, and we’re celebrating at the historic Dulce Inn this weekend. We always toast our birthdays with a chocolate martini. Lately, my main interest has been solving murder mysteries with Em, and I must brag that we’re awfully good at it. I have one daughter, Chloe, who is married and will soon be moving to Wyatt. I can’t wait! I’ve been divorced twice. I used to teach high school, but now I’m a travel writer, enjoying going new places and researching unique settings. When I’m home, I dabble in candle making, mix essential oils, and practice yoga. I’m an avid reader of murder mystery books, spending too many nights up late.

Please tell me about your sister Emma.
Em will be forty-eight this birthday. She’s the analytical sister. And it’s no secret she’s way more cautious than I am in tackling the mystery. Em is great with discerning what makes people tick. She’s partially retired, but advises on psychiatric/social cases. She’s a parttime mystery writer, but if you ask me, she’ll be successful in no time. Her two dogs and her son Liam are her foremost loves. She lost her husband a couple of years ago.

What’s the biggest difference between you two?
Well…we don’t look a great deal alike, me with my long blonde/gray hair, her with auburn/gold, short and trendy style. I prefer long skirts and usually have a hat one. Em is tailored. I’m shorter than her. But the biggest difference is how we approach things. You might guess with Em’s training, she’s analytical as I mentioned earlier. She leads a safe, balanced life. She’s wise and steady, but has a curious nature. We do have that in common for sure. Me, well, gah! I can’t be bothered with wait and see. I go with my gut and prize unconscious reaction. I’m chatty and adventuresome. A gal has to have fun. Easier to land on your feet that way.

Why do people call you guys the Chocolate Martini Sisters?
We were named that by the staff at the Azul Restaurant and Saloon which is part of the Dulce Inn. We stay there twice a year for our birthdays, and we always have a chocolate martini in the saloon. A very sweet bartender in book one coined the moniker. We get a kick out of it…sounds like an amateur sleuthing sister team, don’t you think?

Who are some people we’ll meet in your story, Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder, and the Chocolate Martini Sisters series?
Since book one, we’ve been bumping heads with Chief Homicide Detective Ben Guthrie. He and Em have some entertaining repartee in every book. This one is no different. He kind of hates how we solve the crime. Regardless, I like him. His assistant, Detective Hakata is a friend of mine and enjoys sharing info with us. Jillian Jackson is another story. She owns the Dulce Inn and is, or was, sick of us. We can’t help it if a murder has been committed in her inn on our last two visits. She’s singing a different tune this time around since she’s the one accused of murder and wants our help in proving her innocent. My ex-husband number two, Rodney Earp and a distant relative to the Earp brothers, agrees to defend her. He’s a flamboyant character. There are plenty of murder suspects in this book—some friends and some we’d rather avoid. They all make for a fun cast of characters.

What’s your most prized possession?
I’m not huge into possessions. I do love my upstairs apartment in a 1920’s renovated house three blocks from the town square. My landlords have announced they are selling and moving out of town. I don’t know what is going to happen to the building. Em is working on me to buy it, with her financial help, and turn the bottom floor into a yoga studio where I would also sell my candles and essential oils. I’m awfully tempted.

Why do you feel the need to put on your sleuthing hat and investigate murders?
Oh, it’s always such a stellar adventure following the clues with my sister. We absolutely love all things mystery. But there is also a need to help, to find justice for the victim. Having fun snooping and sleuthing makes it impossible for us to turn away from a murder mystery.

What can readers expect from Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder?
The third book in this amateur sleuths, cozy mystery series will have you chuckling and on the edge of your seat as my sister and I solve the murder.

Nic, thank you so much for your time.
Thank you so much for having me.
“Rumor has it Ms. Jackson is looking to the Chocolate Martini Sisters for, shall we say, guidance. Not to mention, Nic, your ex-husband is her attorney.” Even with sunglasses on, Ken’s expression came across as smug—a description she would never have assigned to his personality.

“Oh! How on earth do you know all of that?”

“They call us detectives, and some might think we’re good at our jobs.”

Em’s hand went to her mouth, stifling a snicker.

“Does that mean if we come across clues or actual evidence, you don’t want to hear from me?”

“Ah, Nic.” He flicked a finger under her chin. “I always like to hear from you.” He ticked his head as if considering how much to commit. “We’ll keep in touch. After all, you do have the ear of Ms. Jackson.” He nodded at Em and darted into the Dulce.

Aware her mouth opened and shut, she stared at her sister. “That was kind of weird.”

“But revealing. They haven’t a clue.”

Nic pushed her Panama higher off her forehead. “That’s what you got out of our exchange?”

“Hakata has never stonewalled us before. And I don’t think he would now since he knows we could probably share something helpful via Jillian. You heard his last remark. He’ll welcome an exchange when there’s anything to exchange. Even if he does have to be careful around Dawg. Now I’d really like to find the killer first.” Her sister’s competitive juices were gushing.

Purchase Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder from:
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The Chocolate Martini Sisters Series:

Brenda Whiteside is the award-winning author of romantic suspense, romance, and cozy mystery. She writes children’s books under the pen name, Brenda Sue. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have settled in Central Arizona. They admit to being gypsies at heart and won’t discount the possibility of another move. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW fishes, Brenda writes.

Places to find Brenda Whiteside:

After hearing countless stories as a mental health professional, Joyce Proell retired to create her own tales. As an award-winning author, she writes historical romance and cozy mystery where all endings are guaranteed happy. She shares her home on the prairie with a husband and a little dog with a big personality. When she isn’t reading or writing, she likes to swim and finds baking almost as relaxing as a day at the spa.

Places to find Joyce Procell:

You can follow the Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder Blog Tour here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for hosting us. Nic had a great time!

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by. Congratulations on the new release.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. Congratulations on the new release.


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