Saturday, May 11, 2024

Meet Emmy Cooper from Annie McEwen's Northwoods Mystery Series

Resort to Murder (Northwoods Mystery, #1)
by: Annie McEwen
Series: Northwoods Mystery
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release Date: March 26, 2024
Publisher: Gemma Halliday Publishing

When Emmy Cooper’s life in Chicago is turned upside down, the young interior designer retreats to her family’s lake cottage resort in the beautiful Wisconsin Northwoods for a much-needed break. Hoping to clear her mind and gain a fresh perspective, she looks forward to enjoying the slower pace and the crisp, clean pine air at her beloved Cooper’s Cove Resort with her family, dogs, and her best friend, Whitney.

Unfortunately, her homecoming isn’t as calm as she’d hoped when Emmy finds out a ruthless development company is relentlessly pressuring Lake Covington property owners, including Emmy’s family, to sell their land so they can build an extravagant, modern resort that would ruin the quaint esthetic of the area. And things only get worse when Emmy finds the dead body of one of the developers floating in the lake—murdered!

Suddenly the police are involved, and since Emmy’s father was leading the fight to stop the shady development from getting approval, he’s quickly painted as the prime suspect. Now it’s up to Emmy to prove her father’s innocence, save the reputation of Cooper’s Cove, and find out who would resort to murder.

Hi Emmy. Welcome to Read Your Writes Book Reviews. How are you?
Hello! Thank you for having me! I’m doing well despite all the craziness going on around Covington right now.

Please introduce yourself to readers.
My full name is Emmerlyn Rose Cooper, but everyone calls me “Emmy.” I know my first name is a bit unusual, but it’s a combination of my parents’ middle names – “Emerson” and “Lyn.” I’m twenty-six and I’ve been an interior designer for a firm in Chicago for about five years. I love upcycling and trash-to-treasure projects… give me a thrift store find, some sandpaper, and paint, and I’m a happy girl!

Old musicals, cozy mysteries, and older sitcoms are my jam.

Can you please tell us about some people we’ll meet in your story?
The people you’ll meet are the most important ones in the world to me. My dad, Paul, my mom, Claire, my younger brother, Noah, and my lifelong bestie, Whitney, are certainly the main people that jump to mind. There’s also Dean Erickson. He used to visit Lake Covington every summer for most of my life until college, and now he lives up here. Of course, there’s our loveable golden retriever, Spooner, and the sometimes-naughty yorkie, Chappy. I can’t forget Marcus-with-the-mullet. He’s my good buddy, and yes, we actually call him that.

Tell me about a defining moment in your life.
It’s still pretty hard for me to talk about because I really don’t understand why it happened. But this moment happened very recently in Chicago. I won’t go into all the details, but I will say just when I thought I had my life all figured out and knew what I wanted out of it… well, boy, was I wrong!

What’s your most prized possession?
That would be Daisy- my beautiful, Ensign blue 1979 Jeep Grand Wagoneer. She even has her iconic wood “belt,” as I call it. My Gramps bought her brand-new back in the day, and I always helped take care of her. He gave her to me when I started driving with the stipulation that I pay my own insurance and continue to take care of her maintenance.

Why do you feel the need to put on your sleuthing hat and investigate murder?
I didn’t plan on getting involved, but Dad is the main suspect. I have to prove he’s innocent! Not only that, but Cooper’s Cove Resort also has been in our family for generations, and its reputation is on the line.

I’m a romance girl. Is there any chance of a budding romance in your future? If so, I want ALL the details!
Am I blushing? I feel like I’m blushing…

Earlier, I mentioned Dean. I have to admit I’ve had a crush on him since I first laid eyes on him, which was at least fifteen years ago. He was the sweetest guy. We’d lost touch over the past few years, but now he’s moved up to Covington from Indiana. He was a cutie back in the day, but wowzers… is it getting warm in here?

What can readers expect from Resort to Murder?
They can expect a warm, loving family, ride-or-die best friends that channel Lucy and Ethel, a quaint Northwoods community, and a mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end… and hopefully, a few laughs along the way!

Emmy, thank you so much for your time.
I enjoyed spending time with you! Thank you so much!

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The Northwoods Mystery Series:

Annie McEwen is the author of the Northwoods Mysteries Series, set amongst the tall pines and sparkling lakes of northern Wisconsin, where she spent vacations as a kid. Annie and her husband are empty nesters living in their rural Indiana home, but their married children and two toddler grandsons fortunately live close by. Being grandparents is definitely the best gig ever! They also have four fur babies, one of whom is a very important character in her books. When Annie isn’t writing, playing with her grandsons, or tackling trash-to-treasure projects, she works as a radiological technologist. As a former farm kid, she still loves to dig in the dirt and garden. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime and loves attending mystery conventions.

Places to find Annie McEwen:

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