Monday, January 27, 2025

BULLETS AND DANDELIONS by Gail Koger ~ Blurb Blitz & Giveaway

Bullets and Dandelions (Deputy Gemma Stone, #.5)
by: Gail Koger
Series: Deputy Gemma Stone
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: December 26, 2024

My name is Tess Reynolds, and I’ll admit few people would think I’m a badass Army sniper called the Scorpion. Afterall, women snipers were unheard of in 1990. People look at me and see a petite blonde who is cute as a button. My father calls it my natural camouflage.

My time in the Middle East has been full of unforeseen complications. I have a rogue CIA agent trying to kill me and I caught the attention of a Force Recon Marine by the name of Alexander Stone. Wowzer! He’s hot but he’s also the biggest jackass I have ever met. To make things even more interesting, I need the Jackass’s help to stay alive.

This novella is the prequel to the Gemma Stone series. How it all began.

The smell from the mess hall drew me like a magnet. I was having one of everything. Grabbing a tray, I went down the line until there was no more room on my plate.

A soldier eyed my tray in disbelief. “Are you sure you’ve got enough food?”

“Nope, I’m coming back for seconds.” I carried my tray over to an empty table and started eating.

“On your feet soldier,” Sergeant Stone growled.

Well, hell. I plastered a confused look on my face and looked up at him. “Excuse me?”

“Drop the act. You know why I’m here.”

“Sorry, but I don’t.” I went back to eating.

Sergeant Stone studied my face. “Are you the Scorpion?”

I picked up my glass of water and drained it.

“Answer the question.”

“By your stench, you’ve been out in the sun too long. Maybe you should have a medic check you over for heat stroke. It might explain your mental confusion too,” I said pleasantly.

“I could have you arrested for assault,” Sergeant Stone snapped.

I raised my eyebrows. “Got any proof of this brutal assault, sergeant? Like a picture or fingerprints or some kind of hard evidence?”


Shit! Shit! Shit! “Call me curious, but who did I assault?”

His lips twisted in self-mockery. “Me.”

“Un huh, and where did this horrible assault occur?

“The village of Tarin Kowt.”

“Never heard of it.” I took a big bite of chocolate cake. God, it tasted so good.

“You’re the blonde midget we’ve been tracking for the last two days, and I can prove it.”

Midget? That was kinda rude. “I’m not the person you’re looking for.”

“Yes, you are. Now get up. You are coming with me.”

“No.” I shoveled more food in my mouth.

Purchase Bullets and Dandelions from:
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The Deputy Gemma Stone Series:

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Places to find Gail Koger:

You can follow the Bullets and Dandelions Blurb Blitz here.


  1. Thank you for featuring BULLETS AND DANDELIONS today.

  2. Action, humor and a sizzling romance. A must read!

  3. Looking forward to reading this because Gail is one of my favorite authors.

  4. What is the best time of day for you to write?

  5. This looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. After lunch. My puppies nap then.

  6. Romantic Suspense - love this genre. So a must read!
    Thank you for sharing this.

  7. Sounds like a good book

  8. Do you plot your stories in advance or let them unfold naturally?

  9. Very intriguing book blurb!! Love the kickbutt girl power!! Looking forward to checking out this book - already added it to my Goodreads TBR List!!


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