Monday, May 19, 2014

Review ~ WICKED GAMES by Samanthe Beck

When a battle of wills becomes a game of lust, one wrong move could be fatal.

Actress Stacy Roberts is ready to ride her rising star straight to Hollywood’s A-list. All she needs is the famous Hollywood Hedonism party (check), one very naughty angel costume (check), and a few drinks to get her sexy swagger back (check, check). Tonight, she is not aching for her hot, hard-bodied ex. Or worrying about the threatening letters signed by "Your Worst Nightmare."

For Detective Ian Ford, "nightmare" doesn’t begin to cover it. Whatever demons prompted Stacy to cut and run have him tied up in knots. Worse, his ex is dressed to kill any man with a pulse, and Ian is seeing red. If Stacy wants trouble, she’ll find it. Only Ian’s going to make damned sure that the only trouble she gets is with him.There are no rules. They either both win, or they both lose. But this time, there’s an extra player—one who’s determined to make sure this is the very last game Stacy plays...


First of all, Wicked Games is a standalone but it contains some spoilers relating to the first book, Lover Undercover.  For that reason, I strongly recommend you read Lover Undercover first.

Stacy Roberts is finally able to tell all the naysayers in her small hometown of Two Trout, Tennessee that she has finally made something of herself.  She is the star of a new hit tv show and everyone is in love with her.  Everyone includes her hot Detective boyfriend Ian Ford and his family.

When Ian asks Stacy to take their relationship to another level, she starts to think that Ian is only with her for the short term.  She breaks up with him, but only leaves them both miserable.  When Stacy receives threats from “Your Worst Nightmare”, Ian returns to her life to keep her safe.

Stacy wants to return to her wild and carefree life before Ian.  She’s planning on using the Deuces’ Gentlemen’s Club Halloween party to hook up with a random stranger.  Stacy’s little angel costume is totally at odds with who she is and what she’s planning on doing.  Stacy’s hook up with “The Cat Burglar” aka Ian is hotter and more amazing than she even thought possible.  But when “Your Worst Nightmare” shows up, Stacy’s and Ian’s hook up could be their last.

I LOVE Stacy and Ian like crazy.  The banter between them is wonderful.  Not only are they both fun characters, but the sex between them is crazy hot.  Stacy is insecure but strong in her own right.  She has a mouth on her. Surprisingly, even with the possibility of death, she doesn’t back down.  Ian is perfect for her because he uses his psychology degree to figure her out and understand what she needs, when she needs it, whether she says anything or not.

I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.  Hopefully, all the main characters from this book and Lover Undercover will make appearances.

Rating: 5

Release Date: March 31, 2013
Book Length: 134 pages
Source: Publisher
Reviewed by: Kim
Reading Format: Available only in eBook

Wicked Games can be purchased from Amazon and other eRetailers

A McCade Brothers Novel Series:

Lover Undercover Review

Places to find Samanthe Beck:

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  1. I feel like I've corrupted sweet, innocent Read Your Writes Kim...but I don't care! I'm so glad you enjoyed Ian and Stacy and all their wicked games!!! Thanks for checking out my books. :D

    1. You aren't the only Brazen author to corrupt me... There are quit a few.


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