Monday, May 16, 2016

Feature Spotlight & $20 Gift Card Giveaway ~ THE MADNESS OF MERCURY by Connie di Marco

The Madness of Mercury (A Zodiac Mystery, #1)
by: Connie di Marco
Series: Zodiac Mystery
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release Date: June 8, 2016
Publisher: Midnight Ink

Astrologer Julia Bonatti never thought her chosen profession would bring danger into her life, but her outspoken advice in her newspaper column, AskZodia, makes her the target of San Francisco’s recently-arrived cult leader, Reverend Roy of the Prophet’s Tabernacle.  The followers of the power hungry preacher will stop at nothing to quell the voices of those who would stand in his way and Julia’s at the top of his list.  She’s willing to bet the charismatic Reverend is a Mercury-ruled individual, and she knows all too well that Mercury wasn’t just the messenger of the gods, he was a trickster and a liar as well.  

I glanced down at the map with one eye on the road.  I had covered a lot of ground.  The turnoff to Ardillas was ten miles away.  My cell phone rang and I glanced at the number.  It was Don.  I hit the button to answer.

“Julia.  Where are you?” 
“On the 101 about ten miles from Ardillas.” 
“Listen.  I’ve dug up some newspaper articles from the New Orleans area about a couple who got involved with the Prophet.  Then I discovered they had written a book, an exposé really, about six years ago.” 
“That’s great.  I’d love to get my hands on that.” 
“Julia . . .” 
“Maybe I could locate them and talk to them.” 
“That might be difficult.” 
I was greeted by silence.  “Don?  You there?” 
“I’m here, Julia.”  Don was silent but I could tell the line was still open.  “They were murdered about a year after the book came out.” 
A cold knot formed in my stomach.  “Murdered?  How?” 
“Home invasion, at least that was the official verdict.  No one was ever charged.  A lot of people still harbor the suspicion it was an execution for betraying the Reverend Roy.”  Don was quiet for so long I wondered if I had lost reception.  “I think you should turn back.” 
I wasn’t used to being worried about, much less someone asking me not to do something.  Don had a point, but I know what a stubborn cuss I can be.  Just his asking nicely felt like an order and it put my back up.  It’s not a trait I’m proud of, but I have an irresistible tendency to do the exact opposite of what I’ve been told to do.  Sheer contrariness, I guess.  Don’s pleas were falling on deaf ears. 
“I can’t.  I can’t see the point of turning around now that I’m almost there.  Don’t worry.  I plan to talk to the Sheriff and scope things out.  Maybe I can get help from that quarter.  Mostly, I just want to locate Eunice.  And if I can get in and talk to her, then I can at least tell Dorothy where things are at. 
I heard his exasperated sigh.  “Stay in touch, okay?” 
“I will.”  I clicked off just as the sign indicating the town’s one exit sped closer.  I flicked on my turn signal even though no other cars were near – force of habit -- and moved over to the far right lane.  The exit appeared and I turned off, heading east onto a lonely two lane road.  
Purchase The Madness of Mercury from:

Connie di Marco is the author of the upcoming Zodiac Mystery series from Midnight Ink featuring San Francisco astrologer, Julia Bonatti.  The Madness of Mercury, first in the series, will be released on June 8, 2016.  Writing as Connie Archer, she’s also the national bestselling author of the Soup Lover’s Mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime.  You can find her excerpts and recipes in both The Cozy Cookbook and The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook.  She is a member of Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.  

Places to find Connie di Marco:

Follow The Madness of Mercury Blog Tour here.



  1. I love the cover of this book. it sounds really good too.

    1. OMG, isn't the cover amazing! I'm in the middle of reading the book right now. It's interesting. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. The cozy mysteries always have great covers. I especially love that there is a cat on this one (but I'm sure you already know that). :)

    3. Now that you mention it.... A lot of cozy mysteries have cats as pets. So far, this cat hasn't done anything to help solve the mystery.

    4. Hi Janine. - hi Kim - somehow I missed this earlier exchange. LOL! You're right though, Wizard, Julia's cat, doesn't help at all, but he's very cute!

    5. There's a little inside joke going on. Janine is a HUGE cat person.

    6. Ah, a girl after my own heart!

    7. Even if Wizard didn't help, just being there makes me smile. Like Kim said, I am a huge cat lover. Cats make me happy.

    8. Me too! And Wizard's a dear ~ Julia has to really protect him in this book!

  2. Good morning Connie,
    Putting all these excerpts together - can't wait to see how astrology plays in.

    1. That's awesome! I'm currently reading the book and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how everything plays out.

    2. Hi Sally - thanks for visiting! I've let Julia figure out the clues using astrology but always want her to take an active and death-defying role before the mystery's resolved. She's an astrologer, but I didn't want to bore anyone with TOO much detail. At least I hope I didn't. I hope you really enjoy her adventures in Madness!

  3. Great post! I enjoyed reading the excerpt, thanks for sharing :)

  4. This sounds like a wonderful and exciting story.

    1. Hi Jane.

      I love Connie. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I really appreciate the chance to win, thank you

    1. Hi James.

      I hope things are well for you. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Rita ~ I hope you get to meet Julia soon (and visit San Francisco)! Good luck!

  7. Oh it sounds so good! I love mysteries!

    1. Hi Laura.

      Thanks for stopping by. You definitely have to check out all of Connie's books. I love her.

    2. Hi Laura ~ Best of luck to you! And Kim ~ bless your heart!!!

  8. This sounds like a great mystery! I can't wait to read it!

    1. Hi Jeanna ~ thanks for visiting! Julia does have some great adventures in SF! Good luck!

  9. I'm looking forward to reading this book. I love paranormal cozies and a new series by Connie has got to be a winner. Until I can buy a copy of my own for my home library I've placed a hold at my neighborhood library so I can read it now.

    1. Hi Nora ~ I hope you enjoy it, as Kim says, it's not really a paranormal mystery, maybe it's even a bit dystopian, but I think you'll like it anyway, at least I hope so! Best of luck!

  10. Thanks for requesting the book from your library. This isn't a paranormal cozy. The science of Astrology is pretty heavy.

  11. The cover is awesome. It sounds really interesting too, with the mix of astrology and mystery. Looking forward to reading it.

    1. Hi Rhi.

      The book is definitely interesting. I just finished it and had to think back over the whole book. I might have gotten nervous a little bit.

    2. Hi Rhi ~ Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you get to meet Julia soon and share her adventures!

  12. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read. Looking forward to checking out this book.

    1. Hi Ally ~ I hope you get to share the adventures with Julia soon! Best of luck!

  13. I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you!

    1. Hi Nikolina ~ nice to see you here! Best of luck to you!

  14. Hi Ally and Nikolina,

    Thank you both for stopping by and checking out The Madness of Mercury.

  15. I am looking forward into this new foray into astrology by an author I already enjoy!

    1. Hi Julia.

      I read the book. It's pretty good. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Thank you, Jen! I hope you get to tag along with Julia soon! Good luck!

  16. Love the title! Sounds like an intriguing mystery with interesting elements.


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