Monday, August 27, 2012

Deep Autumn Heat by Elisabeth Barrett

In this sexy new Star Harbor romance series, featuring the too-tempting Grayson brothers, a celebrity chef turns up the heat for a local cafĂ© owner—and things start to sizzle.

Lexie Meyers decides there’s nothing sweeter than watching Sebastian Grayson’s perfect, wicked mouth devour her coconut cake. He’s hot, he’s hungry, and he’s sizing her up like she’s the best thing on the menu. But she’s been burned in the past and flings just aren’t her thing. Too bad Sebastian can’t resist a challenge.

Worldly, famous, and notorious with the ladies, Seb had planned a weekend of fishing and relaxation with his brothers. Until Lexie, with her kissable lips and frosty “get lost” attitude, makes him want to forget his culinary empire and create some magic with her. After he fires up his charm—including challenging her to a televised cook-off to break through her resistance—it’s now hotter in the bedroom than it is in the kitchen and Lexie isn’t sure whether she’s lost her mind . . . or just her heart.

Read Your Writes Review

Deep Autumn Heat is the first book by new author Elisabeth Barrett. It is also the first in the four book series, featuring the Grayson brothers of Star Harbor, Massachusetts.

Sebastian "Seb" is a nationally renowned chef with no formal training and the chef/owner of Helena, an upscale New York restaurant. He is also an arrogant jerk, who thinks that women should fall at his feet.

Lexie Meyers is the sweet, polite, caring, passionate chef/owner of LM Kitchen, in Star Harbor. She also makes the BEST coconut cake east of the Mississippi.

I went into reading this book, thinking that it was just your standard romance book. You know the ones where the hero and heroine don't like each other, but are drawn together by forces they can't control? This book is that and more. Nowhere does it mention that there is a stalker and a crazed ex-boyfriend involved in the mix.

The story starts out with the Grayson brothers all being in Star Harbor, Labor Day weekend, to pay tribute to their father, who was killed during a hurricane twenty years earlier. During Seb's first morning in Star Harbor, he and his brothers go to LM Kitchen for breakfast. Being himself, Seb was a jerk upon his first meeting with Lexie.

Lexie knows Seb's culinary background, but she isn't impressed by it at all. This is something that Seb finds interesting and charming. It makes him want her more. I think that it can be said that upon meeting, Lexie and Sebastian both felt an instant attraction to each other. However, with Sebastian's reputation and Lexie's past, she has to keep her distance.

Through the course of the book, you find out more about both Lexie and Sebastian. I will say that you will end up loving Sebastian and hoping that he and Lexie can and will end up together.

I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next. Sadly, I must say that I even dreamed about the book.

I'm very much looking forward to reading the stories of the other three brothers. Hopefully, while I'm at it, I'll be able to catch up with Sebastian and Lexie.

Oh, one small sad spoiler....There is no cake recipe in this book.

This review was made possible by an Advance Reader's Copy (Manuscript), provided by Random House. However, this book is also a book I would have purchased myself.

Rating: 4

To learn more about Elisabeth and the Star Harbor series, visit her website:

Purchase through: Amazon

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