Monday, December 16, 2019

Hero Profile, Excerpt & Giveaway ~ ONCE UPON A ROYAL CHRISTMAS by Robin Bielman

Once Upon a Royal Christmas (The Palotays of Montana, #2)
by: Robin Bielman
Series: The Palotays of Montana
Genre: Contemporary Holiday Romance
Release Date: October 20, 2016
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo | Google Play | Goodreads

Colliding with a prince while dog walking isn’t how Rowan Palotay pictured meeting royalty, but then lately her life hasn’t gone according to plan. With one teensy tiny mistake, her job as a news reporter took a turn for the worse and now she’s lucky to have a small pet column in the local newspaper. Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and magic, but she feels like she’s forever stuck on the naughty list.

Prince Theodore Chenery is in Marietta shortly after the death of his mother to meet his grandparents for the first time. When an accidental run-in—literally—with Rowan leads to an unexpected friendship, he finds himself enchanted with the outspoken, feisty country girl. She’s unlike anyone he’s ever met and her special brand of kindness and honesty make it harder and harder to remember his obligations back home.

Rowan can’t afford one more mistake, and Theo’s future is already mapped out, but when they find it impossible to fight the passion and deep-rooted emotions between them, they discover what matters most. Until their relationship makes worldwide news…and Theo must decide whether or not to follow his heart or his royal duty.

Name: Theodore (Theo) Chenery

Age: 28

Date of birth: October 3

Physical Description: 6’1” of strong, lean muscle with dirty blond hair and distractingly blue eyes

Occupation: Prince of Montanique

3 likes in no particular order: Sports, piloting, dogs

3 dislikes in no particular order: Dishonesty, green peppers, worms

Drink of choice: Irish Coffee

Favorite food: Stocafi – cod fish cooked in a special tomato sauce and very popular where I’m from

Favorite song:Unforgettable,” because it’s the first song I danced with Rowan to.

Choice of transportation: Airplane

Favorite way to spend an evening: Curled up on the couch with Rowan

Best memory to date: My first Christmas in Montana with Rowan

If you could have a do-over, what would you do differently? There’s nothing I’d do-over, everything is a learning experience.

What’s something you’ve said you would never do, but in fact have done? Eat fried chicken and waffles

Most romantic gesture: Stopping the car on the way to the airport and turning around to tell Rowan I love her.

Words to live by: “My mother was extremely conscientious when it came to helping others. She raised me to have an understanding of people’s hopes, their insecurities, and their difficulties. And I plan to spend the rest of my life trying to fill the void she’s left behind.”

Theo stared at the Christmas tree ornament in his hand, at a loss for words. People had shown him kindness his whole life. He chose to believe it was him and not his royal bloodline that warranted attention. But the reality was, he could never be sure.

He felt sure now.

As he stared at the white dog with a football in his mouth and “Theo” written across the dog’s chest, he realized this gift was the realest thing he’d received from anyone outside his immediate family. He lifted his eyes to Rowan.

She sat across from him in his grandparents’ house, the fireplace glowing behind her, the Christmas tree to her right. She wore jeans, a form-fitting, emerald-green sweater, and a wide smile. “It’s kind of perfect, right?”

“It is. Thank you.”

“The first honor is yours,” his grandmother said, indicating he should stand up already and put the ornament on the tree.

When he’d helped Rowan with the tree yesterday, he hadn’t imagined sitting here tonight carrying on a tradition his mother had stamped on his heart. Holiday music played through speakers in the wall. Boxes of ornaments were open and waiting to be hung.

He had no idea if it was the right thing to do, but he went with the strong compulsion to thank Rowan again. On his way to the tree, he bent and kissed her cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered.

To say the brief, innocent contact made him crave more would be an understatement. Her soft skin, her feminine scent, the hitch in her breath, all conspired to make him glutton for punishment.

He’d only known her a week, spent a handful of hours with her, yet he liked her more than he’d liked anyone else in a very long time.

Purchase Once Upon a Royal Christmas from:

The Palotays of Montana:

Falling for Her Bachelor ~ Review

🎄 You can read my Once Upon a Royal Christmas here. 🎄

Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops, and spend time with her husband and two sons.

Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. She dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch at all of her social media spots!

Places to find Robin Bielman:

Robin is giving away a signed mystery paperback. (US only, if the winner is international, she will send two eBooks.



  1. I would love to go to the beach for Christmas.

  2. Somewhere warm where I can lay on a beach and swim!

  3. somewhere warm-Hawaii

    tiramisu392 (at)

  4. a cabin in the mountains of tennessee


  5. New York, Rockefeller center. I've always wanted to see the big Xmas tree 🌳

  6. I would love to go visit Paris or Rome!

  7. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. I don’t know why Italy has been such a big thing for me. Maybe it’s the gondola rides there.

  8. I would go to visit Alaska as I have always wanted to travel there.

  9. I would love to take my family to Yellowstone. Thank you

  10. I would love to go to the mountains and experience a lots of snow. Thank you

  11. I love these answers! Thank you all for entering! The winner has been selected and an email has been sent to them.


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