Thursday, October 20, 2022

HAUNTED ENDS: SOUL SEARCHER, book 5 in the Haunted Ends series by Elizabeth Price

Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher (Haunted Ends, #5)
by: Elizabeth Price
Series: Haunted Ends
Genre: Paranormal Mystery
Release Date: August 2, 2022

"On Halloween night, the newly remodeled Juniper Hotel celebrates its grand reopening. That night, the hotel’s new owner, Rocky Rapaport, learns there’s more to the haunted hotel than he bargained for. A dark mystery is hidden within the walls of the old hotel, and it’s up to Rocky, his ghostly partner, Sam, and the Haunted Ends team to save the hotel from demonic destruction.

Meanwhile, the Haunted Ends television show sets off on an RV road trip across the Arizona desert. The cast takes a detour camping trip to Quartzite to explore the mysterious legend of the Red Ghost. After, they continue on to Flagstaff to investigate a haunted hotel with an unusual history."

Why are ghosts and demons so close?
Demons are a ghoul's best friend.

Well, only in some cases. Even though Rocky and Sam have employed a demon named Paz in the past, neither particularly liked him. They met several ghosts and demons throughout this five-book series. No one can determine who they will meet next. That's the fun about Haunted Ends and why I love writing these stories. One minute Rocky is dealing with issues at the Juniper Hotel; the next minute, he and Sam are on the road with the team, off to investigate a haunted location. Sometimes their show turns out great, but most of the time, something horribly wrong happens – usually to Rocky. Though, Rocky has managed to dodge a few bullets lately. Other members of the Haunted Ends team, not so much.

In Soul Searcher, I used locations I'm very familiar with. I have family in the Palm Springs area, and I find myself there a lot during the holidays – the only time to go, in my opinion. I can't stand it when the temperature is 126 degrees. I prefer chilly weather. The hotel the team stayed in was one I had visited a few years back.

As for Quartzite, I've camped in the desert there on many occasions. There's something about Quartzite that I love. Not that I would want to live there, but the open spaces and slow pace of life are certainly appealing.

On my first camping trip, my father-in-law told me the tale of the Red Ghost and the camels that once wandered the area. I was intrigued. There's a monument to the camels, and Hi Jolly, the man who started importing camels into the site in the same area as the cemetery. And whenever I'm in a new location, I must visit the cemetery. That little habit for me started back when I was fifteen.

The only part I wish I could have written more on was when the crew finally arrived in Flagstaff. That area of Arizona has such a fascinating history that I might have to revisit it in a future book.

I hope your readers enjoy Rocky, Sam, and the rest of the Haunted Ends crew.

Happy haunting!

The cashier proceeded to ring up the umbrellas. “This is some weather we’re having. Stocking up?” she asked.

“We’re hosting a big party tonight and I don’t want my guests soaked,” Rocky explained.

She took up the umbrellas, smirking when she came across the smiley face one. She held it up in question.

“For a friend,” Rocky returned.

“I take it your friend has a big funny bone?” she asked.

“Well… ah,” Rocky paused, uncertain how to answer the question. “He… used to. Long story.”

“Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere? You’re on TV, aren’t you?” she asked with excitement.

“Well, yes. Haunted Ends. We’re shooting a Halloween show at the Juniper tonight, down the street,” he mentioned.

“$218.72,” she tallied. He handed her a credit card, and she ran it. “Is it true that that old hotel is haunted? I’ve heard rumors,” she asked as she handed back his card.

“Sam, you want to answer her?” he asked, stirring Sam from his bubble gum fantasies.

He floated over to Rocky, setting a pack of gum on the counter. “You wouldn’t happen to have this in wintergreen, would you? I have a serious case of corpse-breath,” he asked.

The cashier’s bottom jaw dropped to her chest.

Rocky gathered his bags of umbrellas. “Yes, it’s haunted,” he returned. “Sam.” He motioned they were leaving.

Sam followed Rocky from the store, not bothering to look at the cashier. He and Rocky had played the same game so many times before, he knew the woman would remain in shock for at least a half-hour. Good thing for her there weren’t many customers in the store.

“It’s a power trip for you, isn’t it?” Sam accused.

“After years…” he quickly opened the van door, slipping inside. He tossed the bags of umbrellas into the back of the van while he adjusted his wet jacket. “Uh.” He flipped the water off the top of his spiky white hair then rung the water from his long ponytail. “Right… yes, it is. After years of being called a freak for seeing ghosts, I can finally have my revenge.”

He turned to the passenger’s seat, noticing Sam watching him. “Let me guess, you want to point out this is one of those times it’s good not to have a body?”

“Actually, I was curious why you bought eighteen umbrellas and didn’t think to use one,” Sam mentioned.

Rocky stared blankly at Sam for a long moment, then glanced at the bags of umbrellas. “Son-of-a-BITCH!”

Excerpted from Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher by Elizabeth Price. Copyright © 2022 by Elizabeth Price. Published by arrangement with Elizabeth Price.

Purchase Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher from:

The Haunted Ends Series:

Elizabeth Price is a native of Southern California. From a young age, she enjoyed researching the paranormal, unexplainable, and urban myths. This curiosity manifested into her love of mysteries and science fiction – which later led to her career as a writer. Elizabeth graduated California State University Fullerton with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications. She spends her free time with her husband, Michael, at the beach, exploring haunted locations and urban myths, and you can often find her visiting her favorite mouse-owned theme park.

Places to find Elizabeth Price:

You can follow the Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher Blog Tour here.


  1. The author isn't able to leave a comment, so asked us to share:

    "Wonderful site. Thank you for hosting Haunted Ends 5- Soul Searcher - Elizabeth Price"

  2. Great guest post and excerpt, Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher sounds like a spine tingling, thrilling read and I am looking forward to reading it!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have an amazing day!

  3. Sounds like a really good story.

  4. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading Haunted Ends: Soul Searcher and the previous books in this series


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