Saturday, September 10, 2016

Review ~ SHATTERPROOF by Xen Sanders

by: Xen Sanders
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: September 5, 2016
Publisher: RipTide Publishing

Saint’s afraid to die. Grey can’t stand to live.

Grey Jean-Marcelin wants to die. He thought painting his passion—vivid portrayals of Haitian life and vodou faith—would be enough to anchor him to this world. But it isn’t. And when the mysterious man known only as Saint saves Grey from a suicide attempt, it’s more curse than blessing—until Grey discovers that Saint isn’t just an EMT. He’s a banished fae, and can only survive by draining the lives of those he loves.

All Saint needed was a simple bargain: one life willingly given for another. But as Saint’s feelings for Grey grow deeper, centuries of guilt leave him desperate to save a man who doesn’t want salvation, even if Grey’s life means Saint’s death.

When Grey’s depression consumes him, only he can decide if living is worth the struggle. Yet his choice may come too late to save his life . . . or Saint’s soul. And whatever choice he makes, it may shatter them both.

Shatterproof is hands down one of the best books I've read this year and one of the best M/M I've ever read; open the stunning cover and you discover an unforgettable, evocative and intimate story centralising around two men who will steal your heart for so many reasons.

"Love only cures everything in fairy tales."

I was gripped from start to finish. Amongst the harsher realities of this story is an emotional, tender story featuring two men from very different worlds, tormented by their lives but who find love and understanding with one another. An immortal, the present day sees Saint as an EMT, and he's walked earth for centuries, watching the the men he loves waste away because he does just that--loves them. Grey, an artist and very much human, has hit his breaking point; he no longer wants his life to go on and when Saint saves him, he's drawn to him--the man who actually has the capability to answer his wishes.

"...all I could think of was the feeling of your hands on my chest. White birds, fluttering against me."

This story is the definition of why I love reading. We have two men who were so endearing as individuals, who are fighting their own battles, but together create a beautiful, deep bond filled with love, fight, fear and intimacy which often takes your breath away. And it makes you feel; from those brief moments when your heart misses a beat, to subtle humour bringing smiles and laughs exactly when they're most needed and raw emotion that causes that sting in your throat from being so invested in both characters and feeling their pain, that you're fighting against letting the tears fall because you. Do. Not. Cry. Yeah, I failed bloody miserably on that one.

"You're water, and I can’t hold on to you no matter how hard I try."

I loved Saint and Grey, I loved their story and how the paranormal aspect is pivotal, yet just just below the surface leaving the focus on the characters. It's absolutely one you don't want to miss. Xen Sanders isn't an author new to me. I've read his contemporary and erotic romances written as Cole McCade and there's no mistaking Shatterproof as his; he has a true gift for visual writing with strong, engaging, character-driven storylines that make you feel, and have a focus on marginalised people. And that's why he's firmly situated on my pile of must-read authors.

"I want it to be real. I want it to be you."

**Received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest unbiased opinion.**

Rating: 5

Purchase Shatterproof from:

Cole McCade is a New Orleans-born Southern boy without the Southern accent, currently residing somewhere in Seattle. He spends his days as a suit-and-tie corporate consultant and business writer, and his nights writing contemporary romance and erotica that flirt with the edge of taboo—when he’s not being tackled by two hyperactive cats.
He also writes genre-bending science fiction and fantasy tinged with a touch of horror and flavored by the influences of his multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual background as Xen Sanders. He wavers between calling himself bisexual and calling himself queer, but no matter what word he uses he’s a staunch advocate of LGBTQIA representation and visibility in genre fiction. And while he spends more time than is healthy hiding in his writing cave instead of hanging around social media, you can generally find him in these usual haunts:

He’s recently launched the Speak Project, an online open-access platform where anyone can anonymously or openly share or read stories of abuse – a way for survivors to overcome the silencing tactics of abusers to speak out against what was done to them, and let other survivors know they’re not alone.
He also runs an advice column called Dammit, Cole, where he occasionally answers questions about everything from romance and dating to the culture of hypermasculinity, from the perspective of a male romance author:
Looking for more? You can get early access to cover reveals, blurbs, contests, and other exclusives by joining the McCade’s Marauders street team at:


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